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Months have passed and Ruki Miwaki's rescue was no secret but at this time Konoha had other concerns

"Have you heard? Sasuke Uchiha was here last week and he attacked the elders" Whispers went around Konoha and they all wanted one thing... their safety, But the Hokage had other plans...

"Send in Team 7! Kakashi's team!" Tsunade yelled

After a few minutes, the whole team 7; including Yamato and sai were already in the Hokage's office yet not a single one of them muttered a single word, The obvious fury on the Hokage's face made them shiver

...And no one knew what was causing this, They all looked at Shizune only to see her sigh, Although in truth she knew why. There was only one person who could make Tsunade's mood go high and low in a single second

"Team 7! I'm sending you on a retrieval mission, Beware of this only you guys can do this especially you Naruto." Tsunade said with a menacing glare that didn't help the team feeling more anxious

"H-Hokage-sama..." Kakashi sweatdropped

"Oh! Another mission! Dattebayo!" Naruto cheered

"Naruto I don't think that's something to be cheering about especially in this situation..." Yamato whispered

"So! What's the mission about?" Naruto asked excitedly completely ignoring Yamato

"You guys... are going idiot child hunting" Tsunade chuckled evilly

"I told you I will always have ways to find you... Hoshiki Senju." Tsunade muttered darkly


"Achoo!" Hoshi sneezed before he shivered and rubbing his arms

"Cold?" Ruki asked

"...I feel a dark aura from miles away," Hoshi said shakily unable to shake off the bad feeling

"Maybe you're just exaggerating," Akihiko shrugged

"I hope..." Hoshi muttered

"Where's Kasumi and Itachi?" Ruki asked

"Hm, They're having family time," Akihiko said

They all sighed... Remembering how protective Kasumi is and how careful Itachi always was in handling baby sukichi

"I kinda want a child of my own now" Akihiko admitted

"You need to get a love life for that, You know?" Ruki said

"REAL love life" Hoshi glared

"Well, what about you Ruki? Any love stories for us?" Akihiko said nervously changing the topic

At this ruki blushed at the memory, The two males raised a brow before they smirked

"So... Mind telling me who it is?" Akihiko said

"Hideki Hyuga," Hoshi said casually making Ruki blush even redder

"How do you know that?" Akihiko asked

"Because I know him, I've seen him and them," Hoshi said gesturing at Ruki who was covering her face

"How come I never knew of this?" Akihiko narrowed her eyes

"A-anyways... Ha ha... H-how about you love life hoshi?" Ruki said changing the topic

"Oh, Mine? I don't have one. We broke up a few years ago" At this Akihiko almost choked on his food while Ruki just stared at him in disbelief

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