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Said woman looked behind her, this was the moment she had been waiting for since the moment she cleared her name.

"I don't remember much. But this is the place, if you don't find what you are looking for here, turn back immediately."

Tsunade was the one who accompanied her in this journey, after all, she was the only one who knew about the whereabouts of who she was looking for. 

Kasumi could understand why she was being asked to leave the moment she finds that this is not the place where she must be, from the moment she entered the place, she expected it to be loud.

She expected it to be busy, and full of workers, but there was hardly anyone. 

As she walked through the hallway, each step made her anxious as she got closer and closer. She couldn't handle the anticipation of what may be waiting for her.

"Calm down child. Kasu may not be here, but rest assured I'll be with you."

That's right...

Kasumi was reminded that she may be physically alone, but there was someone to accompany her through this.

This is the room.

Kasumi took a breath before knocking on the door, hearing no response she opened the wooden door that was somehow clean. As if someone had been taking care of the place despite its abandonment.

The door creaked as she opened it, Kasumi stood with a pounding chest before entering the room. 

And there behold she found a woman by the bed, a heart monitor was the only thing that made a sound in the room. 

Kasumi released a heavy breath as she held back the tears threatening to fall.

"...W-Who's there?" The voice was frail, but it was firm.

"My name is Kasumi. Kasumi Hatake." She spoke maintaining her composure

"...Oh, I hated that name..."

Kasumi took a heavy breath, Did her own mother hate her?

"Which idiot named you after my mother?"

"Do you know me?" Kasumi didn't answer the woman's question, she needed to know.

The woman merely glanced at her, "How could I not know the very human I gave birth to?"

Kasumi laughed in such relief, "You've grown so much." was all the woman said before her eyes started to flutter.

Kasumi understood what this meant, but all she could do was watch. Even if it was short she appreciated it.

"Child, tell me what I've missed." Her mother requested, and so Kasumi began telling her everything to which the woman listened to attentively, Kasumi was going to be there for a long time, but she made sure not to waste her time there.

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