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CHAPTER 35: "Was she really oblivious?" -Tobirama

Flashback. . .

Right after Konohagakure became the first official village to be built, many were still skeptical and tense, after all, clans living together in the same territory? It was absurd at first. Many would think this must be a way to build political power—that one man got the favor of many clan heads.

It was half-true, though the village gained political power and the favor of multiple clans to co-exist with other clans in one territory. Its main goal was to protect its people and most especially the children.

Though as time passed, everything started to calm down—Not until four years later, Kasumi Uchiha died.

Kasumi Uchiha died young, she barely held a sword or even had the chance to follow in her brother's footsteps. Not many knew of what she looked like, but in their eyes she was barely an adult. She was hard to be forgotten, though she was weak, she had a big impact.

Her brother was an example. Madara Uchiha was willing to do anything for her. He had lost many things, and losing his sister completely tore him away from what had been keeping him sane. 

It wasn't until Tobirama Senju's reign that rumors and talks about those two came to a complete stop. They were removed from Konoha's records, scrolls, even from Academy teachings. All that was left was a myth of their existence. 

Most would think that this was because Lord Second really despised those two Uchihas. Yet again, they were wrong.

There were many things that went wrong in fact, and even Tobirama Senju blames himself for it. 

"Otou-san, are you busy?"

"What is it, Mika?" 

A girl who appeared young entered his office, her hair was dark, but her eyes shone red.

"It's nothing. Aunt Mito invited me to have dinner at her house, I just wanted to inform you that I'll be leaving soon after, I need to help Sakumo out tomorrow."

"So are you sleeping in your Aunt Mito's house tonight with Tsunade or with... someone else?"

"Otou-san. I beg you not to get started."

"I need to know."

"I invited Sakumo to Aunt Mito's, since you couldn't attend... I figured I might as well just invite him." The girl sighed 

The girl glared at him, to which the man stared at her with a stoic expression. They were both indeed father-and-daughter, it wasn't just the eyes, it was the whole personality.

Tobirama internally sighed, she may have his eyes and personality but her appearance... she still resembled her.

"Be careful."

Tobirama could see the surprise in her eyes, Tobirama was getting older, his daughter was too. Soon enough he would have to give up his position to Sarutobi, soon enough Mika was going to be with a man that's not him.

"Well, uh... thanks." Mika released a breath before approaching Tobirama "Good night Tou-san, and please don't overwork yourself." She said before placing a small snack on his table and leaving his office with a quote 'to my favorite Hokage'

Tobirama watched as the door closed before he leaned on his chair and sighed, "I raised her well, didn't I?" he muttered to himself as he glanced at the small envelope on his table, too bad pictures weren't invented yet during the time. But he had her letters, and this was the only remaining remembrance he had of her.

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