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"My name is hatake kakashi, My likes... I like a lot of things"

"*cough, cough* Icha icha" Kakashi glared at me

"My dislikes... I don't feel like telling you that, My hobbies are none of your concern and as for my dream, I dont feel like telling you that either

The heck 'kashi?

"You go first blondie" Kakashi said pointing at naruto

"My name is Uzumaki naruto! I like ramen and I dislike the 3 minutes you have to wait until your ramen is cooked, My hobby is comparing ramen with one another and My dream is to be the future hokage!" Naruto said with a grin

I'm looking forward to the day that you become one...

"Next you" Kakashi said looking at sakura

"My name is Haruno Sakura and I like... I mean who I like is... and my hobby is... "

Whoa whoa whoa! she better not be stalking him even in his sleep! Im gonna have to put seals in the house...

"-and my dream is..." Sakura squealed

"And your dislikes are...?"

"Naruto!" Sakura immediately answered causing naruto to slump over

I sighed thinking how much progress this team would need to accomplish proper teamwork

"Last one"

"My name is sasuke uchiha, I like a lot of things and the things I hate are none of your concerns... My dream is not a dream for I will make it a reality, I will defeat a certain someone" Sasuke said sternly making kakashi look at him, Immediately I knew what was on my brother's mind

"whatever your thinking I tell you it's not like that... I put my trust in sasuke" I smiled

"Then, I'll let you handle these kids, Im gonna have to go home" I said before jumping off the roof when suddenly 3 kunai's were directed to me

"The hell?" I frowned that's when I noticed an someone following me

"Lord Danzo requests your presence" 

Danzo? it's been years...


"Tell me everything you know." Danzo demanded

"Everything I know where do I start... Should I start with telling you how knowledgeable I am with the letters of the alphabet or the fact that I can count numbers without using my fingers" I said causing him to slam his cup on the table

"Don't mock me! This is a serious crime we are talking about!" He lashed 

I have never seen him like this...

"What crime exactly? Last time I checked I never got myself involved in any sort of crime, Unless... This is not about me is it?" I snickered

"Such does not concern you" He stated

"Then why am I here? You're here to make sure I don't slip anything about you to the public" I said only to receive silence in return

"So, what crime did you commit, huh?" I taunted

"One day Kasumi, You will wish you never left my side." He said getting up from his seat

"One day danzo, You will pay for all your sins." I glared

Now... what crime did he commit? I would be glad to rat him out

It's been a few weeks since that last happened I never saw danzo again, meaning I can't get information about what had he done, But I certainly do wish I knew, I could rat him out after that but the question is... why did he think I am involved?

Now speaking of which, Sasuke had left for the land of the waves and It's quite lonely without that brat, But hey that's exactly why I have friends right? I'm sure they missed me--



or not... 

they definitely didn't miss me, I have enough reason to believe so... As much as I'd like to go and barge into that room and say 'Oh hey guys, what are you doing here?' I better give them some privacy

You know what? I'll just go to kiki-sensei, Maybe I can go and watch him play shogi... Yeah I'll do that...

I walked and waked until I found him, I lazily hung my arm over his shoulder

"Do you have a fever or something?" He asked me obviously annoyed

"Hm, You know I just can't help but pester you today" I said

"Who's this? Your student?" The guy across him with pineapple haircut whom I assumed to be shikaku

"Yep, The most troublesome one" Kiki-sensei sighed

"Tee hee~, I know you love me" I said

"Now shut it, what do you want?" He asked

"hm, I don't know I guess, I just wanna clear my mind, purify my eyes, and clean my innocent ears" I said 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kiki-sensei asked

"You don't wanna know" I said shaking my head

"Why not do something productive today?" He sighed still focused on the shogi board

"I swear as my sensei, Aren't you supposed to train me?" I said

"Man, What a drag" Kiki-sensei said

"Yup, I'm pretty sure you are adapting to the nara habits" Kasumi muttered causing shikaku to laugh

But I guess I should've enjoyed that moment... Cause this may be the last time I get to spend my happy time with them...



"Find anything?" Danzo asked as he eyed the ANBU in front of him for any possible information 

"No sir, Kasumi Hatake is as clear as the sky, There's nothing that can be used against her, I searched all list of her missions and double checked everything but nothing..."

"Then if that's so... It seems we have no choice but to resort to Operation #1: Eliminate Kasumi Hatake"

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