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"when you guys come back, We'll go tell them the news together, Alright?

"Sasori is dead...? I asked as a dark shadow covered my eyes

"I knew you always admired him, Kanashi, un." Deidara said

"Who... Who killed him?" I couldn't help but ask, It's not like Im going to avenge him, I just wanted to know after all avenging him would do nothing but ruin my image more

"Konoha nins, His grandmother chiyo and a pink haired medical kunoichi, un." Deidara said, I knew that everyone was bound to die but I didn't expect him to actually get killed...

"I still need to be strong..." I whispered as I caressed my stomach smiling at the small unnoticable bump


"Itachi...?" I knocked on his door only to see him taking his usual pills

"Take care of yourself more," I said with a small smile as I sat down on his bed and patting the space beside me

He stopped on whatever he was doing and sat beside me before laying his head on my lap, I played with his hair for a few seconds before I broke the silence...

"I'm pregnant," I said, Immediately Itachi sat up and looked at me with a frown searching for any lies

Upon seeing his expression I said "I-" But I was cut off when he placed two of his fingers on my forehead and smiled

"I'm going to be a dad?" He asked making me chuckle

"Yep" I smiled, His smile didn't waver, It was like he couldn't stop smiling even if he wanted to, He crouched down and trailed hands on my stomach before hugging me to which made my lips twitch in happiness

We'll have a family... soon

Later that day after discussing things with itachi, We have also decided to share the news with the other members...

Konan couldn't be any happier, She congratulated us by making a flower origami

"I'm going to be an uncle Bitches!" Hidan yelled with a huge grin

"And you're also gonna have to drop your swear words hidan," I said with a fake smile

"Indeed, If your gonna raise a child here in the base, we have to make sure the child doesn't get bad influence from Hidan" Kakuzu said

"The fuck did you just say!?" Hidan yelled

"well, Well, well... Looks like a mini Itachi would be here running around to keep the whole akatsuki company" Kisame grinned

Sasori-Danna, It's sad that you don't get to see my baby when he is born, But at least... everyone is happy



For the first time in all history, Tonight is the night in which Kanashi will be using one of the techniques that Kasumi had not used in years...

"Summoning jutsu!"

A large poof appeared before a large dog appeared

"been a long time since I was last summoned, Isn't that right? kasumi." 

"Kichi... ha ha, y-you've grown quite large over the years I almost wished I didn't summon you," Kasumi said

"Ha! What are you 7? As a hatake, You're not supposed to be scared of dogs." Kasumi's eyebrow twitched in annoyance, It wasn't because she was scared. It was more because the dogs have a sense of jealousy because the last time they met was when Kasumi praised Akamaru for being the sweetest dog

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