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"Okay, You know what? I think I know someone who can handle the shop for us" I said

"And who might that be? You do know that if people knew we were part of the akatsuki they won't hesitate to rat us out" Kakuzu said

"not all of them, Let's just wait for a few more minutes... He should be here any moment now..." I said looking at each direction until I saw an approaching figure

"Good morning! My beloved--"

"Akihiko, Now what happened about not going into the path they chose for you?" I sighed

"Oh, Im not doing this for anyone... I'm pretty sure I'm in--"

"Who is this kid?" Kakuzu asked

"Mou, Nobody ever lets me finish..." Akihiko said

"This is akihiko and I believe you can handle money, right akihiko?" I asked

"Yep, I can also let you borrow any resources you need, Ones I have worked hard to develop over the years... Now tell me how can I help?" Akihiko asked

"Oh we don't need any resources all we need is a person and turns out you are perfect for the job" I smiled

"And what will I be doing?" He asked

"Shopkeeping" I answered

"Of course! I'll do anything for you Kanashi-chan!" 

Oh great... A fanboy...

"You better not be stealing any money" Kakuzu glared

"Ooh, Scary..." Akihiko muttered

"You better be someone who can handle the shop or else Im killing you." Kakuzu threatened

"Y-yes boss!"

"Anyways as you can see... This will be the shop--"

"Please, darling! This can't be the shop you need some designs!"

"We were getting to that, I'll let you handle that one..." I said

"Anyways, As I was-- what are you doing?" I asked

"Kanashi, You can go home, Let me handle this one... If you want this business to grow and earn lots of money then, I think I know exactly what to do" Akihiko said in his manly voice, I was quite surprised but I let him handle it



As akihiko got left with the shop, He worked hard getting every resources he needed to get everything done and one of the resources he needed was something or rather someone...

"Oi, Ruki" Akihiko called to the walking figure

"Whoa... Akihiko, are you... Is that really you?"

"Can't I talk this way?" Akihiko asked as he focused on the task at hand

"No, It's very rare to see you not talking girlishly and not fawning over women" Ruki smiled

"Hm, well I need your help... My boss is going to arrive later and I need to speed things up, Just get the things on the list done" Akihiko said handing ruki the clipboard

"Okay then... As weird as you may be acting right now" Ruki laughed

A few hours later everything was finally set up all that was needed for their boss to release the products

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