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I stared in awe, Not because of the fact that I was staring at a pair of soft sharingan eyes but because of the man in front of me... Itachi, My husband is alive, I was still staring at him with wide eyes not realizing how tense the atmosphere has become

All silence was broken by him when he cupped my cheeks wiping away the tears that I didn't even notice falling

"Sorry... But I arrived in time, Didn't I?" He said with a small smile

My lips quivered as I said the next words "Baka..." I muttered he seemed shocked with my words yet he smiles as he hugged me Of course, I hugged back as I cried

"I'm sorry," He said snuggling his face onto my neck, And I hugged him tightly as if there was no tomorrow

"I won't leave you again... I promise," He said I sniffled as we broke the hug but I didn't take my eyes off him

"How are you alive... Im just... shocked" I said not being able to say anything else 

"Someone helped me" He said

"T-Then... Why did you come back just now?" I asked

"I was in recovery for some months, and I was doing some research... From the looks of it, You guys haven't left this place for a really long time" He said I nodded at this

"Then I'll tell you a long and good story... But for now, I want to see him... please?" He said with soft eyes

"You don't even need to ask permission...-" I said before he helped me stand up

"You're supposed to be dad now... Right?" I said as we both walked into another room and there we saw the little sukichi peacefully sleeping with a certain blue-haired female that didn't even notice us entering

"Man, I wish I could steal you away..." She said leaning her chin on her hand with a smile

"She sounded like you when you wanted to abduct Sasuke" Itachi whispered in my ear with a soft chuckle and that was when Ruki finally turned her head to us

"Oh, Good morning ka--" Her eyes landed on Itachi, She blinked four times before her eyes went wide and pointed a finger at me

"k-k-Kasumi...! a Ghost!! Oh gosh" Ruki said with a panicked face

"Relax Ruki... That's my husband" I said, Itachi smirked at this... After all this was the first time I introduced him to someone and hearing me say that well, I guess that sounded pleasing to his ears

"Husband... Oh right, You married an Uchiha... But I didn't expect it to be..." Ruki trailed off visibly petrified

"Don't worry, Anyways... come here love" I told Itachi as we both approached the small crib

"He's... " 

"A healthy beautiful baby boy" I added to his sentence, His smile grew wide as he touched his cheek, Sukichi let out a few baby sounds which made itachi's smile grow even wider, I didn't even notice myself smiling

After a while of admiring the new baby, We all went downstairs...

"Morning Kasumi" Hoshi greeted me with a smile while I noticed some guy sitting on the other end which made me raise a brow

"Good morning" And to my shock, it was Akihiko who was shifting awkwardly

"A-akihiko!?" I said in a shocked tone, this even caught ruki's attention who started running down the stairs

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