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There was just silence between us--me and itachi, The wind blew past us sending my hair flying along with the wind

What is he saying? 'maybe in a few years that time will come?'

It was as if it was a one trip to the hokage's office that made him change all of a sudden, One second he looks normal then suddenly he feels so... distant, Im not even sure if that's the right word, but he has to be hiding something...

As of now, The confusion on my face must have been so obvious and readable that his expression suddenly went from serious to showing me a faint smile

"Don't worry, Being ANBU brings these type of struggles" He said with a small smile before poking my head with two fingers

"You're worried about being...ANBU?" for some reason that was the only thing that came out of my mouth

"No, I was more worried about you, sumi" He said emphasizing my nickname, I sighed

"jeez weasel, if you're going to get worried about me, don't make it sound like you're about to make the greatest crime in all of your life" I said gently taking his fingers away from my forehead

"I don't think so" itachi chuckled with a light scoff

"After all, you wouldn't to associate yourself with a rouge ninja, right?" Itachi said

"Depends" I replied not looking at him in the eye

"Is that supposed to be one of your 'positivity' ?" Itachi chuckled

"No, Afterall I haven't told you all about it... All of the things that happened in the battlefield" I said with a huff

"Then tell me about it... ALL of it" He said extending his hand

" 'tachi... what's this? you're acting so different all of a sudden" I said raising a brow

"Im-- we... are ANBU now, We will face many battles and who knows? Not even the greatest genius can live forever"

"Indeed but I trust that you will not die, not on whatever type of battlefield where enemies awaits you, Because if you do... I'll kill you before they do" I said with a light smirk


I checked his pulse... he was dead, Today was another fight in war a 5 year old me getting sent in war...again

"kasumi! We need assistance on the west with team yosuki!" A jonin yelled carrying an injured man on his back

"Is he okay?" I asked in my monotone voice

In the battlefield one is not allowed to display emotions or else it will get in the way of the mission

"I don't matter kasumi! go! they need you there!" The injured man yelled with that I quickly went outside the tent and ran off to the west where I saw multiple konoha nins falling down by... one

"Kasumi! finally here!" Roki a team mate of mine said as he sent an enemy flying towards the opposite direction

"How is Shimi?" Yonmi another teammate of mine asked

"dead" I said getting in my stance

"No..." Yonmi muttered

"focus! yonmi! You'll get killed!" Roki yelled

"Oi! there's a kid over there!" I heard an enemy shout before everyone started to run towards me

"Lightning style: Lightning fist" I yelled as I punched the air causing a huge lightning to erupt out of nowhere before I directed it to the enemies direction

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