Akihiko Akigami

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It was 1 word, yet enough to put me into the abyss of hell. Because the next thing I knew I felt like I was in hell.

I believe that was actually the first time that I met Itachi Uchiha

And Hoshi brought me to him, All I wanted was to test who was on her side, And with no doubt Hoshi and Itachi were yet Ruki?

She is an Ex-Anbu member, Who is she trying to fool? She knows what I've been doing yet she never snitched. Why?

Unlike many heroes and villains, I don't have a sob story to share. Simply a thief who lied for the sake of... peace. 

For Project Tsuki no me. All I had to do was act like a spoiled obsessed fanboy and pretend like I was in need of a bride and obviously not everything fell in place because I met a crazy woman.

She introduced herself as Kanashi, I obviously knew it was a lie. But who the hell tells a stranger to cut themselves as a change of fate?!

Just her.

I hated her, But seeing this situation... This was the reality check I needed.

"I... Don't wanna... die"

My eyes widened, I knew what she meant and I had to help her quickly.

Many times I had seen her trying to be strong, No she is strong, But she had her fears too but this was the first time she was admitting it. And of all people, To me. 

"Shush Kasumi, Well get you to the Medic." I quickly carried her and jumped from one tree to another.

"Sukichi..." Her voice was below a whisper but I could hear the pain behind them

I've killed many, I never felt remorse... But now, Why am I feeling guilty for a person I have never killed?

I messed up.

"Kasumi... This is all my fault, I'm sorry. I promise I'll get you the–"

My words were cut off when I felt warm hand on my cheek.

Kasumi placed a hand on my cheek indicating that she forgave me but the guilt will never go away.

Even after everything, Did I even deserve this woman to be my friend?

"Were almost there Kasumi! Hold on!" I yelled

"Medic!" I cried 

Medics instantly rushed to help her.

And yet here was Kasumi...

"I..." One of the medics looked away I could see sadness in their eyes

Why are they staring?

"Why are none of you working?!" I yelled in frustration, Why are they staring

"...Time of death–" I froze.

"No!" Akihiko yelled a long 'No' as he fell to the ground.

Kasumi was dead.

No... Not yet, She can't. She's cold and heartless. She's a horrible horrible woman. Hoshi would strangle me, Does she not care about that? What was I going to tell Itachi? 

"Kasumi! You absolute idiot!"

Heck... What am I going to tell her child? That I took his mother away from him?

All the other medics could only stare before a loud explosion went off again, Medics went outside expecting more injured men to arrive. But at that moment I was too busy to care.

But that was when a young looking girl, Who looked liked Kasumi stood tall in front of me.

She had pale skin and she had the Sharingan, I forgot her name, But this was Madara's sister I am sure of it.

How is she alive though? She didn't look like she was reanimated, She just looked really really pale as if she had never seen the sun.

Is this a bad time to be making jokes? Probably.

But the way she looked at Kasumi... I couldn't help but look at Kasumi too, Even though it hurt, She can help right?

What is their relation to each other? 

She opened her mouth and I expected some of my questions to be answered but Instead...

"So... The Hatake's finally dead huh?" 


"What do you mean 'finally'?!" I snapped

"Hello. My name is Kasumi Uchiha." She formally Introduced


"Follow me." was all she said before I felt like I was being dragged

And she was fast. 

Faster than the Uchiha clan...

"We're here." Was all I heard before I finally understood why...

I. am. going to die

"I will require your help."

"And I will require a good funeral."



AUWFUAGEUHWEOAGWUORWB I'M BACK =w= NYEHEHEHE Anywhales Late Merry Chrismas and Happy new year everyone, (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) I'm still quite busy with school but I'll still try to update as often as I can

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