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"M-mom... I- I think k-kasumi is..." 

"Now, now Hoshi... Man up! If you like Kasumi, Then you should marry her!" Dad laughed but mom immediately smacked his head making me  scared

"He's underage!" Mom said

"Mou... I was the same age when I started to like you" Dad said rubbing his head

"Yeah, But please take a look at the age gap! It's impossible well unless the two pushes it but no! They're still underage" Mom glared a dad, And I think I know the very reason why she always glares at dad whenever something such as 'romance' or 'love' was being discussed

Because my dad is a pervert...

"Now, we'll teach you summoning Jutsu later, okay?" Dad smiled

"Really!?" I said in excitement

"On one condition, You need to stop your so-called 'medical experiments'" Mom said making me slump over 

"I wonder where you get your mushrooms..." Dad raised a brow

"Oh, I think I know who he gets it from... It reminds me of..." Mom trailed off as she thought of that someone

"Mou, Go now Hoshi, Your mom is going to get in the hot springs while I... am going to do my research," Dad said as if he's going to do the most professional thing in his life which earned him another punch from mom

"Have fun sweetie" Mom smiled

I began walking away but stopped when I saw the most interesting sight...

"Kkkkrrrrrkkkkk!!" A cat screeched

"You little shi-"

"Kasumi, That's not a good language to use," A guy said

"JUST LET ME CATCH YOU DAMN IT!" Kasumi yelled in annoyance as she started chasing the cat rather she was... wrestling with the cat...

"I... am... History's youngest chunin... Damn it, why is this cat so hard to catch!?" Kasumi grumbled

I could only watch in amusement as she suffered trying to catch the cat, Well That's my best friend for you...

"I'm gonna transform into someone older, Then I'll catch you..." Kasumi said as she did hand signs but she got distracted when the cat jumped on her causing her to fail on the transformation

"Chibi..." the guy muttered

"Itachi... Shut up please"

"Now, Now... Calm down..." I saw the guy pet the cat as he effortlessly lifted the cat

"You... You could do that?" Kasumi asked

"Yeah, why?" he asked

"Itachi... You're annoying." Kasumi said with an irk mark


"I was considering putting you on my list of possible future husbands but... You don't seem to fit there Itachi, Not anymore" Kasumi glared

"Oh yeah? What are you looking for a man?" He asked

"Someone strong, Kind, and someone like Kashi... You were almost like him but I guess not" Kasumi said

Someone who isn't like me...

"We'll see about that, Chibi." The guy chuckled

I made a mistake when stepping on a branch causing my presence to be known

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I made a mistake when stepping on a branch causing my presence to be known

"Shi-shi?" Kasumi said recognizing me

"O-oh h-hey k-kasumi" I smiled

My stutters...

"Oh hello, shi-shi what are you doing here?" Kasumi asked as she poofed back to her normal size

"I-I was j-just here for a staycation, what about you?" I asked

"Chasing a demon cat." She said with a serious face

She really hates cats, huh?

"Anyways, This is Hoshi but I call him shi shi and shi shi this is Itachi... My best friend"

Bestfriend... Bestfriend...Bestfriend...Bestfriend...Bestfriend...Bestfriend...Bestfriend...

Such words went spiraling in my head ever since that day, And ever since that day all I wanted to do was get stronger, Heck I even stalked Kakashi-san just to imitate his personality but I just couldn't at least... I was too much of a stuttering guy that I couldn't really imitate him

But over the years I started to be considered as a genius, I became a toad summoner like my dad and a talented medical-nin like my mother, I became a genius, Yet her eyes were still on Itachi...

 Until he came to me...

"Hoshi-Kun, Join me and I will give you the power that you desire," He said as he licked his lips
I didn't want to, he was a creepy man I didn't even know him... But I wanted to be recognized by Kasumi I joined him and that was the beginning of my nightmares

I screamed on top of my lungs as Orochimaru's injected experiments started acting up... I couldn't believe it... for the mere sake of power, this is the pain? This is more painful than my mom's punches...

And it took me years to be able to escape, I wanted to leave but if I left that would mean leaving the ones who needed my help too... But if I stayed it would mean my death...

I chose the safest for ME I wanted nothing but to escape that hell and it took me years... Years to finally show myself to the world and it was all because of Kasumi... We met again in that poor village...

But I couldn't take it... I came back to know that Kasumi had been exiled not a single one of them tried to find her... And it brought me even greater nightmares... The screams, they weren't just mine they were also screams of those who were getting experimented on...

"-hi, Hoshi!... HOSHI!" I woke up to someone yelling my name but all I saw was mom

I worried her, didn't I?

"What's wrong sweetheart?" She asked worriedly

"N-nothing...I-it w-was just a b-bad dream" Shit, my stutter

"Hoshi. You haven't stuttered for who knows how long..."

"Don't worry mom" I said I didn't even realize that tears were already rolling down from my eyes, But the next thing I knew mom was just hugging me

"It's alright... Who cares if you're an adult or whatever... I'm still your mom, Now let it out..." Mom said

It was quite rare to see mom this soft but I didn't care, she was always the one to know whenever something is wrong... Mothers know best

At present, I looked in the mirror to see my face, But not myself...

The scars on my body, The stitches, The burns, the bruises... Not to mention no one knew about this... Except for Orochimaru, that bastard...

I promised I made a vow, I would protect Kasumi and her happiness But now it changed, It was Kasumi, her happiness and her child...

It hurts me, Just the mere idea of Kasumi being married hurt me But I couldn't do anything about that... Just the mere idea of Kasumi having a smile on her face would bring me happiness itself...

But after all this, What's next?... May destiny lead me to the next purpose of my life

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