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"Blegh..." After washing my mouth I went back to where deidara and sasori were

"Kanashi, You okay? un." Deidara asked

"Ugh... I feel horrible, I think I ate something bad" I said while rubbing my temples

"Hng? Let me check on you" Sasori said as he approached me

"Thanks sasori-danna" I said while I sat up

"How do you feel?" Sasori asked

"Uh... Sometimes I feel nauseous in the morning that makes me want to puke, And then--"

"Morning sickness?" Sasori asked

"I don't have much knowledge about medical history but isn't morning sickness supposed to only happen to pregnant women?" I asked, Immediately deidara stared at me with wide eyes

"Sasori-danna! un."

"I know, brat" Sasori growled before he placed his hand onto my stomach, Sasori remained calm which made deidara sigh in relief before sasori broke it

"You're 3 months pregnant" With this deidara started screaming but I only smiled as I gently caressed my stomach

"HA?! You-- Then why are you here? You should go back to the base" Deidara said

"It's only the third month deidara, Besides I am needed for this mission the more then faster the extraction will be completed" I said

"Psh, Just be careful brat." Sasori said to which made me smile

"Don't worry I'll avoid fighting anyone, Anyways... Don't you guys have to go now?" I asked


"Dei, I know you're worried about me, In fact of all Akatsuki members your the one who cares about me the most, Minus Itachi... But the point is... Don't worry about me, Why don't we tell the news to everyone after you come back?" I asked

"Ugh... Fine" Deidara grumbled before leaving 

"You really attract a lot of people who either treat you like a little sister or an elder sister" Sasori said

"Hee, Does that mean you're one too?" I teased with a sly smirk but he doesn't answer he just leaves me

And with that, I went with Itachi and Kisame

"What took you so long?" Itachi asked

"Eh, Just had to send my two favorite artists a sweet goodbye" I smiled before sitting down beside him 

"You really have a thing for attracting weird types of people" Kisame grinned

"Well, I wouldn't really call it that but... If you mean by weird You haven't even seen the worst part" I noticed their questioning looks making me smirk before I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew My body was already standing on this huge statue, Everyone looked like a virtual glitch too

Then all that's left was to wait...

After a few days, Deidara and Sasori finally came back but except this time they were carrying the one-tail jinchuriki

Poor boy...

"You're late" Leader-sama said

"Sorry, The jinchuriki was stronger than we thought, un." Deidara said

"Then let's start the process" Leader-sama said before I heard raspy noises from the jinchuriki as we extracted the one tail from him

Oh, I sure hope you have friends to trust with your life jinchuriki...

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