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It was at this moment that Obito recalled a memory—an advice. 

"Kasumi will be our resolution if the plan goes wrong in any way. Though I remind you. There will be an aid. I know there will. My advise to you is make sure that this aid is in our side, otherwise, every effort will go to waste."

Obito could only watch in anticipation as a wide smile made its way to his face, the ground trembled as a creature emerged from the ground, everyone who was there to witness it—stared in awe.

The moment the creature's eyes landed on the shinobis, it roared louder than anyone had heard before.

Kasumi groaned in pain as another portion of her chakra got drained.

Her eyes slowly flattered as dark spots filled her vision, she caught a glimpse of the creature making direct contact with her and before she knew it. Its large tail swooped her off the ground in such speed.

Kakashi's eyes widened as he stayed back with his comrades, he watched with trembling hands as his sister got swooped by its tail. Kakashi was a rational man, he's made sure think his decisions thoroughly, and in this case...

He could no longer hold back.

"Kasumi!!" He yelled as he sprinted in her direction

Kasumi's hand trembled as she watched him go after her.

"You... are... an Idiot."

Oh how she wanted to run into her brother's arm and cry it all out.

Kasumi wanted to shut her eyes, she was clearly drained and exhausted. Kasumi frowned as she shifted her eyes back to the creature, it's tail was enough to send her more than 10 feet off the ground. 

"I can sense... Kasumi." Her body froze feeling its gaze on her but she could not respond, not when her chakra was dramatically low.

"You are not Kasumi." Its claws flew in the air as she watched Kakashi got thrown away. Kasumi had a pang of hurt and guilt as she watched her brother get hurt, but as she shifted her attention back to the creature she remembered,

I can't allow this to fail,

"It seems you are the only one I can ask. Where is Kasumi." Its voice was deep, and it didn't open its mouth, so clearly they were communicating telepathically.


"Connect me to him!"

Doing exactly what the Uchiha told her, Kasumi watched as the creature's lips curled into a smirk. She could hear them communicating, but she couldn't pay attention. Not when Tobi's eyes shone red as he approached them.

Dark spots filled her vision again and everything seemed to be blurry for her.

"Rest now dear. I'll take care of this for you." 

Was she hallucinating? Most likely.

Though for a moment, it seemed as if the creature softly spoke to her

What am I thinking? He's a loyal and merciless creat...ure... 

All she saw last was a figure of a man who held her tightly in his arms.


It all happened within seconds, Tobi manipulated the creature with his Sharingan as it roared loudly. The creature destroyed everything in sight while Kasu granted the nins in the area protection. 

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