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That day I didn't go home, I slept at itachi's house crying to sleep while we both hugged and being each other's comfort person, I know he also feels so... broken on the inside and he's hiding it but he won't hide it from me...

"You know that I'll support you whatever happens, right?" I said in his shirt resulting my voice to be muffled

"I know and I'll keep that in mind but you also know that whatever happens you know that I always have a reason for it, right?" He asked

"Yeah... I do" I replied looking at him, but it was hard to get a view of him considering how dark it is tonight

I could've sworn I saw him tear up...

The next day he also walked me back to my house and to our surprise we also saw kakashi with an irritated expression but the moment he saw me, He started walking towards me and hugged me

"Sumi, where were you?" Kakashi asked


"Sumi was too tired from training I let her take a rest in my house, I am sorry if you got worried kakashi-san" Itachi said

oh, what a gentleman he is... but he's calling me sumi now? How rare...

"then, thank you itachi" kakashi said

"Okay then! why don't we go inside and eat some dangos kakashi?" I said not wanting to continue this awkward atmosphere... How should I describe this feeling? embarassing? no, awkward? definitely, but you know the feeling as if you just got caught by your brother in a secret relationship? yeah... that, it feels AS IF 

I started to walk inside our house but I saw kakashi's irritated expression grow back as he whispered something in itachi's ear to which I didn't want to know, Itachi looked like he couldn't care less but... what the hell is my brother whispering to him Then I saw him do a thumbs down...

the heck?


"So... I hear you have your mission now?" Kakashi asked

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I asked

"Danzo was pissed" He replied

"Hm, figured" I mumbled

"I was actually wondering..."


"What did you whisper to itachi earlier?" I asked

"I don't even remember anymore" Kakashi answered making my eye twitch

"ugh... fine, I'll just ask itachi instead" I said getting up

"I believe he's on a mission" kakashi said

"Then I guess I'll just explore the village, then" I said getting up

oh hey, what happened to spying on the uchiha? I think the best method is to directly spy on the main household. However, I doubt i'd be able to do that without getting caught.

I walked around the village seeing the usual villagers with big happy smiles, children playing which made me wonder... who should I visit? naruto or sasuke? meh, I could just visit both then make them friends or something

I was about to turn around and go abduct my beloved cute sasuke but I heard a cry


I spotted a kid with bandages on his forehead as well as his arms and legs, I slowly approached the kid and took a good look at him

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