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 CHAPTER 13: Kasumi Uchiha


After itachi helped me escape that situation, I blacked out soon after, I was still confused what he was doing there but it didn't matter He saved me and I needed rest. My chakra got drained after using that electrocution sphere

The next morning--or rather night... I'm not even sure what time it is... I could see no windows and source of sunlight, In fact it was all darkness

"Finally awake..." I heard itachi say beside me


"Don't move too much, Your bones are still recovering from temporary osteomalacia" Itachi said

And this is why I don't use this jutsu that much I consider this as my abandoned jutsu...

"Itachi, It seems she is already awake, Give us a second" Madara said appearing out of nowhere

I frowned at this... Don't tell me this guy was also a part of rescuing me

"No need to be so cautious of me..." He said before sitting beside my bed as much as I wanted to stay away from him I couldn't help it... My whole body is practically aching right now...

"I heard what happened" He started

"If you're here to be that one person to say 'I told you so' Please... I don't wanna hear it" I said but all my negative thoughts about him disappeared when he did the most unexpected thing... He hugged me

Whoa, whoa... what the hell?!

I didn't know what to do in this situation, I wanted to move away but at the same time I couldn't Why?...

"No matter how many arguments we may have had in the past, You will still be my sister and that will never change..." He whispered

"Now look at me..." He said and due to my stupidity I complied and that was when I realized I was trapped in his genjutsu... I think, Honestly I didn't understand the sharingan well...

"Kasumi, I will show you... everything..." He said before a blinding light blinded me and the next thing I knew I was infront of a house...

"Kasumi...!" Someone called my name but I didn't know whose voice it came from...

"Tee hee~ Izuna-nii!" A little girl came running towards the man

Looking around me, I could see that the scenery has changed everything looked like from old times

But what attracted my attention most was the people I was seeing

"It's cold out here, You should go inside or else you might catch a cold..." A man whom I found out was name was Izuna said carrying the little girl in his arms

"It's okay, I'm still waiting for Madara-nii to come back, See... I wanted to show him how good I am with fireball jutsu now..." 

"Ow... I suddenly feel like I'm the least favorite..." Izuna said fake hurting

"No! I have two amazing brothers and two of them are the best how could I have a least favorite?" The little girl giggled

"Oh is that my favorite little sister stating how proud she is?" Madara said with crossed arms leaning on a tree with a smirk

"Madara-nii...!!" The little girl giggled

"Now look at that... Still as cute as ever" Madara said ruffling her hair

"Madara-nii...! Not my hair!" The girl pouted

"You really like your hair like that huh? I would normally see children with pigtails but you like your hair so much like that... I wonder why... Do you like a boy?" Madara joked

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