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A month upon joining the Akatsuki, I was pretty much on good terms with everyone

Sasuke had joined orochimaru, He was probably devastated that I left the village nad orochimaru used the The 'idea' that I had on raising money was kept only between me and kakuzu

But to explain, we started a business far away from the base, somewhere many people were sure to visit the shop, But there was one problem...

"Okay let's say we manage to fool people by wearing a disguise and then we become owners of the shop how are we going to handle it? we won't always be here to look after the shop" Kakuzu said

"You're right... we need workers" I muttered, Just then they saw hidan running in our direction

"So? How was it?" I asked hidan who was grinning widely

"It was fucking wonderful! I have a good supply for my next sacrifices! Damn, I think I like you kanashi, No I think I love--"

"Okay, okay shut it, Im going to think jashin is possessing you. That is not how hidan talks" Kakuzu said slapping a hand on hidan's mouth

"Oh don't give him any ideas... He's gonna love it when jashin possesses him" I smirked

"Anyways, you don't usually come back this early" Kakuzu said

"Yeah, Leader-sama wants us back or rather kanashi... He has a mission for her" Hidan said

"Then we'll continue this planning later" I said standing up from her seat

"Planning? What planning?" Hidan asked

"To ear--"

"How to contact jashin" I said winking at kakuzu indicating that I want this as a secret


"This will be the last test to where your loyalty lies... retrieve the scroll of 3 deadly sheets" Pein said

"So... I'm going alone?" I asked for reconfirmation to which pein replied with a nod

And so my journey began, I only packed some extra necessities I didn't want to carry anything that was too heavy or else it would only become a burden

I arrived at the site and there was really nothing much, My eyes softened upon the sight of children only thing is that these weren't normal children they all looked so frail but I could see smiles on their faces as they ran around...

I stood tall eyeing the small village and I could see a large house where those frail children had been coming in and out, It would seem that someone was actually wealthy and kind enough to provide for them

But that shouldn't be my focus... Steal the scroll of 3 deadly sheets

A few hours later I was able to get information and as it turns out it was hidden under a large waterfall

Well looks like it's time to get wet...

I took my cloak off and held my breath as I walked through the large waterfall, And now I am dripping wet from head to toe... 

My mouth fell open when I got through the waterfall all I saw was... 

A land of nothingness

I groaned as I looked around

Did I just go through a large damn waterfall and got wet for nothing!?

I walked around and looked at my surroundings while grumbling already freezing from the cold

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