A zig-zagged straight city

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(Y/n) POV

"Yeah that's true. How about we start heading over to the next town? distract ourselves." I suggested, having him nod. "Yeah we live in the moment not in the future not the past either." his smile made my heart fly. I hope he wouldn't take it off, as selfish as that sounds.

"Next is the dark type gym right? The gym leader sings too, like Roxie!" He nodded, walking closer to the connecting route. "Let's get a move on!"

_____________at the city____________

3d POV

"What the? The doors locked.." the small crowd, some gym trainers others normal people. "How do we get in? They can't block trainers from entering."

"Hop there's a crowd, what should we do?" (Y/n) asked, tugging at Hop's jacket. "Let's walk around then, maybe it'll open up." Hop started walking backwards, (Y/n) following behind him.

"Come on, we shouldn't keep it shut."

"We were asked to keep it closed."

The voices were quiet and hushed. Both trainers heard them, be it was hard. "Let's go and see if we can get in." Hop said pulling (Y/n) with him, much to their dismay.

There was quite literally a whole wall panel missing from the town. It's glowing neon lights stood out between the much darker colored walls. "Well well. Looks like an entrance, what did I say."

"You did say. Come on this place is very fitting for a dark type gym." (Y/n) commented, watching as Hop walked right in. They followed after him, being completely ignored by the voices in the dimmed place.

The city held the look of the bad part of any big city. The trash moved and ran, most likely a Trubish or two lived in the mess. Lights so bright that they could blind you if you looked at it for hours at a time.

The people were ignorant to the two trainers who honestly stuck out like a sore thumb. "Only one way to go Hop, lets get to it." (Y/n) said, grabbing Hop's hand and walking towards the less or more bright path.

"Hey you two hold it!" A male voice called out before a crash of card board boxes being broken was heard. "Oh bloody..just because you found a way in DOESNT mean I'll let you pass."

"You gonna like Pokémon battle this or just flag waving?" (Y/n) mildly insulted watching the man stand up. "Yeah I do. Zigzagoon go on headbutt."

"Battle it is then, Cinderace let's get to it." Hop stood wbehind Cinderace who easily blocked the headbutt. "Pyro ball." Cinderace kicked the dirt and it magically caught on fire, slamming it towards the Zigzagoon.

"Oi dodge it. Bite!" Zigzagoon jumped to the side, it's tail getting scored a tiny bit. Back on its feet it lunged out at the rabbit who's ear got a bite.

"You good? Pyro ball one more time." Cinderace shook the Zigzagoon off and quickly kicked a ball right to it, hitting it dead on. "And a knock out for Hop! Good job." (Y/n) complemented, watching Hop gain a smile. "Thanks."

"This ain't the end kids, Meowth go go go!" He's Meowth came out, showing off its razor sharp claws. "Is he dumb? A steel type against a fire type?" Hop didn't even need to tell Cinderace what to do, it launching a barrage of pyro balls. "Looks kind of like a fire type Draco meteor. Creative."

Much like the team yells first Pokémon it went down quickly. "Geeze couldn't you let an old man win. Ain't you ever learn to respect your elders?" Both teens laughed, pokemon laughing too. "We respect them when they don't break boxes." Hop said between laughs, watching the anger rise up in the man before them.

"Our leader will beat you so hard kid."

With that he ran back into the house.


Apologize for not updating, school happened and now I'm on vacation but I hope this will satisfy for a little!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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