Deino nuggets

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(Y/n) POV

"(Y/n) wake up." Hops voice rang threw my ears, I groaned sitting up. "Where?" I started having him cut me off. "You fell asleep, we just landed so I woke you up." Hop said, I nodded in response. "Alright then, let's get to a hotel or something." I said, hopping out of the taxi.

The slightly cold wind blew, as I moved hair out of my eyes. An elderly voice was accompanied by a younger voice. I turned by head seeing Opal and Bede walking to what would be the fairy filled town.

"(Y/n), are you ok?" Hop waved his hand in front of my face, having me step back. "Yeah, sorry about that." I said, laughing a tiny bit. "You're alright, just looked like you saw a ghost type." He joked having me laugh. "You know how to lighten the mood Hop."

3d POV

Softer toned, purple eyes looked at the pair. "Don't mind them, you'll see them." Opal said to the albino. "I feel bad." He replied, looking back to the older women. "We all feel bad at some point. I'll make sure." She comforted him, leaving the city.

Back to your normal crew-

Hop and (Y/n) looked out the large opening to the wild area, smiling. "Hey Hop?" (Y/n) asked turning to face him. "Yeah?" He looked at them a tiny bit confused. "Remember how crazy the wild area was for us?" (Y/n) asked, having Hop reply sharply. "I almost got squished!"

The two laughed, remembering the slightly more dangerous times. The two started to walk closer to what would be the next route, without noticing. The two walked by the grassy area (Y/n) getting scared by a passing by Joltic family.

"They're so tiny." Hop continued to laugh having (Y/n) turn pink. "They came out of nowhere, it's not my fault I got scared." They defended themself, crossing their arms. The two, walked past the dusty ruin, seeing countless Pokémon and a few trainers, one catching both of their eyes.

"Deino get back here!" A girl ran up to the black and blue dragon (not beaten up). The Pokémon ran up to the main 2 trainers, staring up at them. "Ah, I'm so sorry, Deino can be a handful for me and Vespiquen." She said, having her Vespiquen float behind her.

"That's ok, I've never seen a Deino." (Y/n) said, crouching down, petting its head. "Deino is from Univa right?" Hop asked the girl. "Ah yeah. I got it as a gift but it doesn't like me much." She said, playing with a purple streak in her hair. "Dragon types are hard for some to train." Hop commented leaving (Y/n) to end up playing with Deino.

"I think it may be smart to give Deino back or to someone who could be a better trainer." She said. "Hey you are a great trainer. Maybe dragon types aren't for you, ever think that." (Y/n) said, holding Deino. "Maybe your right, um, maybe Deino would be happy with you." She said.

"Only if you want I can take Deino off your hands." (Y/n) said, gaining a nod from the girl. "Oh my god I never told you my name, I'm Bee."


Haha self insert.
Word count: 553

Ok for people who don't follow me (don't know how many) this book would be going on hold along with all my other books
Return date? No idea, when I get past my own troubles.

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