Sea You in Town!

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3d POV

It was morning, the sun was shining brightly reflecting off puddles from the storm. Route 4 had a daycare witch held two young trainers. Both asleep in the corner of the Pokémon play area.

The trainers leaned up hugging the other slightly, a light blue blanket laid lightly over the two sleeping body's. They looked so peaceful, sleeping, only to be waken up by a racket of happy cries, a small hush as-well.

"Mmh.." (y/n) hummed opening their eyes. "I'm so sorry for waking you!" A girl with Pokémon food apologized bowing slightly. "Hey, it's ok, I needed to get up anyways." (Y/n) stretched letting Hop fall into their lap, blush appearing, putting Cherrubi's to shame. Frozen in place, blush present and dumbfounded.

"Are you ok?" The girl gave food to the Pokémon bottle feeding a Cleffa. "I-I'm good!" (Y/n) stuttered, relaxing, putting their hands on Hop's head, bringing it to their lap. "What time is it?" (Y/n) turned to look out the window to see a bright sun with grass types being watered by the old woman, "it's um 7 ish bit behind, you need to be somewhere?" The girl was crouched down petting (y/n) Eevee gently. (Y/n) sighed "no but we were heading to Hulberry, hopefully to do Nessa's gym" they looked at the crowd of Pokémon some the pairs others not, but they all looked happy.

"That's nice. I wanted to do the gym challenge aswell but my dad fell ill so I had to help here. Anyways I'll get your stuff." The girl left without another word. "Hey Hop?" (Y/n) patted his head, but no response. "Hop." Patting his head a bit harder but not hurting him, "my Arceus, did Cresselia come!" (Y/n) and Hop's pokemon we're gathered around the two, questioning what is happening. "Hey Sobble? Um lightly use water gun on Hop?" Sobble made tiny water blobs? Glops? At Hop waking him up, slightly rude. "Rise and shine, [urshines! Dangnarompa? No?] plum." (Y/n) got up since Hop sat up, messy hair in all, it was cute according to the light blush on (y/n) face.

"Why?" Hop's raspy voice sent chills down (y/n) spine, "oh....the storms over." Hop had crawled to the window "it's stopped at like midnight maybe?" (Y/n) had grabbed the bags from the girl handing Hop's to his Pokémon since we was distracted.

They got changed, and walked to Hulberry small chit chat and laughs could be heard from the two. Soon the air of the salty sea was present, town only a few feet ahead. A group of people, small but present stood in town.

3 people stood out from the crowd A woman with long light brown hair, the chairman of the Pokémon league, and a familiar white haired boy, all surrounded by town people.

(Y/n) POV

Me and Hop we're walking, chatting while town was on site, a small crowd could be seen, "Hop why do you think there's a crowd?" Hop looked to see said crowd, "wanna find out?" I nodded and we ran to see what the commotion was about.

"Please, everyone leave the Chairman is busy." A woman with a very serious look on her face asked the group, watching them mope away like a group of Trubish that's been yelled at. [ I love Trubish] "(Y/n)" a ball of white hair walked towards to be the one and only Bede, "Bede!" I wave but I can feel hate radiate off Hop like a Pichu about to lose control on its electricity. "It's been to long! I missed your (beauty/handsomeness/etc.)!" Bede bowed, like a prince would in a fairy tail. "Aww, thank you! But you know it's been like 4 days right?" I could feel the glare of Hop from behind me, "oh but any day without you is bad, you make it great!" Bede has a pink tint to his face, "really now? Hop do you think this is true?" I turned to Hop only to see him nodding faster than a Abra can teleport. Only problem was that Bede was now shooting glares at Hop.

Why did this take so long? Zero motivation but tons of ideas!

Am I mad at myself? Yes, I don't wanna have to make my baby have harm!!

Snowy sadly out~

Word count: 735

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