Kabu's flame has been put out!

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(Y/n) POV

Lunch had just finished, Hop and I were walking to the gym ready to take it on. "So who's going first?" Hop turned walking backwards. I giggled watching him trip, luckily he didn't fall. "I could go first, I only offer since I have more type advantages than you do." I replied trying to sound smug. "It's not my fault you do! Fine though." Hop faked being hurt pouting. Cute.

"This just gives me a better time thinking of a battle strategy." I laughed at his statement, "Man Hop, you sound more exited than me." "Well I am! I like watching you battle." His face turned a shade of fairy type pink saying the last part. "Why thank you, I enjoy watching yours aswell.." I could tell my face was a bit darker than his.

"Well, you-I mean we should head in!" Hop stuttered out. "Sure we can." I replied smiling. We made our way to the gym, walking into it. "Wow it's much larger than I remember." I said starring up at the ceiling. I heard Hop laugh at my childish remark.

I walked over to the desk saying I wanted to start the gym challenge. He nodded pointing to the changing room. I walked in waving to Hop.

I walked into the platform seeing grass and trainers. "Alright! For Kabu's gym you have to score 5 points." I nodded as Dan continued to talk about catching and defeating the Pokémon. A loud buzz was heard as the 3 gym trainers headed to their own grass patches.

"Alright, most easy would be Vulpix but I wanna catch one.." I sighed walking over to the Vulpix grass area, ready to battle.

[bold you, italic gym trainers]

"Alright go Drizzle!"
"Go, Grolith!"
"Water gun!"
Vulpix was taken down! One point to trainer (y/n).

"4 more points left!" I ran over to the Litwick grass ready to fight.

"Use toxic" Drizzle was badly poisoned.
"Y-your attacking me? Drizzle water pulse!" Litwick has very low health.
"Go pokeball!" I threw it having it hit. I watched it shake. 1. 2. 3. Click. I smiled running over to pick it up.

Trainer (y/n), now has 3 points!

I sighed, "So close." I rushed over to the other patches of grass gaining the two other points needed. Trainer (y/n) has 5 points they can now challenge the gym leader.

I jumped up and down super happy. I healed up my team, walking out to the battle field. "Well well well, get ready to be beaten Kadu." I said standing in my spot. "Our flame won't be easy to beat!"

|time skip till after|

I walked out meet with a Beware tight hug from a special plum. "That was so cool! You were awesome!" Hop held on, Sonia standing behind him laughing quietly. "T-thanks Hop." I felt the heat rush to my cheeks again. "I should be thanking you for being so good at Pokémon battles." Hop let go standing back up. "Well Hop isn't it your turn?" Sonia said, making Hop jump. "Yes I'll do that!" He then sprinted away.

"He wouldn't stop talking about how cool you looked in the stands." Sonia said putting her hands on her hips. "D-did he now..?" I asked gaining a Chirubi pinkish-red color. "Don't tell me your gonna do the same?" The assistant professor answered sarcastically. "I won't!" I waved my hands out in front of my face. "Relax I'm joking, I know you will since you like him~" she teased me.

I froze looking at her confused and embarrassed. "Y-you do?" I spat out. "Yes I do it's kind of obvious." She stated, smirking. "Don't worry I won't tell him, I'll let you do that." I sighed relaxing, "we should go watch.." I started walking out to the stands sitting close up with Sonia to my side. "Hop you better win this!" Sonia called out. "You'll do great Hop!" I cheered out.

I know you will!


I wish for big time skip but I don't want to-

Word count: 688

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