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I don't intend for this to be anywhere needed but I just want to voice out a few things.

I'm really thankful that you guys enjoy this book so much, I plan to have great things for it. The appreciation I get from you guys really help me. Not with just writing but school/work as well. The people end up cutting my work but I'm so glad you all enjoy this, it makes me happy to see or read that you enjoy it so much.

I limit my author note "chapters" but I know you most likely won't mind them. Once I'm near the end I'll get rid of them, making it a fully chapter book.

I may get some new books started and actually post them, mostly original works no inserted human to a fictional world, purely created by me. If this gets 10 votes I will. Sound like a YouTube-

Thank you all a lot, more than I can say and cheesy as that is.

Your writer,
Bee or Snowy

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