Wilds in the name

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(Y/n) POV

Me and hop are watching Leon's old Matches, when we were laughing I could see Leon at the door but he's long gone now. Hop was smiling and analyzing the video, like the way he used to. "All right you two were going somewhere," Leon's voice made us look at him, "we are going to the professors house!" He continued, both Hop and I got up we're really exited. Leon took us back outside and told us to go to he house in route 2. Hop stayed with me showing how to catch a Pokémon.

3d POV

(Y/n) and Hop now knew how to catch a Pokémon, Hop walked with (y/n) leading them to the beginning of route 2. Hop handed (y/n) a reasonable supply of Pokeballs, but to (y/n) missed to grab one and it started rolling on the ground, most pokemon didn't care for the pokeball but a Yamper did nudging it closer to the trainers. Yamper looked up at the two trainers and hit the small circle on the ball going inside. Both (y/n) and Hop stared at the ball even after it clicked meaning it was caught. (Y/n) picked up the pokeball looking at Hop, but he tapped the button leading Yamper to come out. "Good job mate, you caught a Yamper!" Hop congratulated (y/n), who caught their first Pokémon. The trainers walk holding a Yamper and a newly caught Rookidee, talking about the journey they hope to have. They stopped at the door for Professer Magnolia's house, they walk in seeing Leon, a girl with orange hair with silver hearts in it, and an older women with a cane and lab coat, talking about who knows what. The girl with orange hair notices the two trainers, "Hi there, my name is Sonia, and this is my gran or professor Magnolia!" She said louder that she should have for being indoors, the professor says that she's sorry for Sonia's outburst, but (y/n) and Hop say that it's fine. Leon says that he wants to see the two of the trainers battle, not one or the other disagreeing.

They go to the field outside of the house, (y/n) near the lake, Hop near some grass. Both trainers send out a Pokémon.

"Let's go Sobble!" (Y/n) calls out, while Hop calls out Wooloo.
"Sobble use pound!" They call out leading Sobble to get a critical hit.
"How did you get a critical hit, oh well Wooloo use tackle!" Hop yells leading Wooloo to hit Sobble.
Attacks got called out leaving Hop with his Rookide, and (y/n) with their Yamper.
"Rookidee, tackle!" Hop called in an encouraging manor, "dodge and use nuzzle!" (Y/n) commands Yamper moving out of the way and nuzzling Rookide doing massage damage, almost knocking it out.
"Rookidee, use tackle!" Hop calls out again, leaving (y/n)'s Yamper hurt. "Yamper finish this with nuzzle!" They call out, hitting Rookidee, feinting it. Hop returned his Pokémon congratulating (y/n) on winning the battle.

Leon walks up to the trainers saying "I'm going to endorse both of you into the gym challenge!" Both Hop and (y/n) we're ecstatic jumping more than a Spoink could bounce! A small crash could be heard from the lake, but not from the water. Everyone looks at where the sound are to see wishing stars lying on the ground. (Y/n) and Hop run up to the store in Professor Magnolia says "I can make you both gigantimax bands using the stars." Both of the trainers give her the wishing stars and she goes to make the bands.

|time skip for Yamper|

Both trainers got their bands and were on the train to Motostoke. The train master could be heard from the speaker, "this it a pit stop at the wild area, dew to Wooloo's blocking the track." Hop seems really happy that the train stopped, both trainers walk out stairs. At the sight of the wild area. Open field, Pokémon wandering and playing with each other. The trainers run strait in leading into the wild area!

Word count: 695

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