The stage lights in the fog

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(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up to Rookides chirping outside. Sobble was laying on a pillow on the floor sleeping softly. I get up and walk past Sobble leaving it to sleep, I change into a white short sleeve shirt with a cherry blossom embroidered on it and black shorts. Grabbing a packed bag and a still asleep Sobble I head out to see Hop running from his house waving at me. I manage to smile and wave back at him. "Mornin' Hop, hows ya doin?" I ask keeping an eye on a Wooloo who's banging on the gate for the 'Forbidden forest' as I like to call it. "Well I'm doin swell mate! How's you doin today?" Hop replies smiling slightly cutely which I shake my head to and laugh quietly about. "I'm great mate so what-" my sentience was cut faster then a close combat from a Galade. "Is the gate always open?" Hop asks snapping me out of my shock. "A Wooloo was banging on-" again my sentence was cut short but this time by Hop "We have to help that Wooloo, it could get hurt!" I soon see Hop running into the forest not caring about the consequences to come. I run into the forest chasing after Hop, dogging as many Pokémon as I can. I catch up to hop but can barley see him threw the fog that wasn't as fence as it was now. "Hop are you insane, we're in the woods I can barely see you!?" I yelled at Hop trying to keep him with me but he starts walking away.

3D person pov

(Y/n) grabs Hop's shoulder pulling him closer to them. "M-mate? What are you doing?" Hops voice lacing with fear and embarrassment. "You will not leave my side till we are out of this forest!" (Y/n) yells even louder than before. Hop was shocked, he knows your not one to yell, to be honest you despised it. (Y/n) was shaking slightly holding Hop in a tight hug, "I can't lose you too.." Hop hugs back leaving you to say nothing until a howl can be heard by both of you two. "Mate do you know what that was?" Hop asked (y/n) looking up to soon see a Arcanine sized Pokémon unknown to you or Hop. (Y/n) releases Hop from a hug calling Sobble who was on their leg to battle, Hop did the same with his Wooloo.
"Sobble pound" Sobble does as its told but only phases threw the Pokémon hitting the ground. Both of the trainers get a splitting pain in their heads, (y/n) trying not to scream from pain. Hop tells Wooloo to tackle but nothing happens, not a moment after the fog thickens and the pain in the trainers heads increased leaving them to fall to the ground. (Y/n) look at Hop seeing him passed out on the ground. They grab their friends body and holds it close to them, calling out to Sobble to pound having very little hope it do anything. Sobble once again hit the ground, the Pokémon howled and increased the pain that was already splitting their head, soon the world went black (y/n) hugging Hop as they pass out. The unknown Pokémon left reviving almost all of the fog.

Leon's POV

It's been an hour or two since Hop left to get (y/n). "Hey Sonia I'm gonna see if Hop's at
(y/n) house you can go to the lab," I start running to (y/n)'s house and knocking but their mom answers, I ask if she knows where they are but nothing but that the gate is open. I thank her and start running into the forest looking for Hop and (y/n).

(Y/n) POV

I wake up laying on something warm or more like someone, I look down to see I'm laying on Hop, I feel the heat rush to my face, I get up and return Sobble and grab Wooloos pokeball and do the same. I look back at Hop picking him up hugging him tightly, ready to defend him from Pokémon. "(Y/n) Hop where are you?" A persons yelling and I yell back "We're over here!". I see Leon come threw with his Charaizard close behind. "What are you doing here..what happened to Hop is he ok?" Leon's asking questions left and right leaving me speechless never answering a single question. Leon's panicking while I feel movement in my arms, I look down to see Hop cuddle up into me and heat rises to my checks but not as much as before. Leon notices this and says we should get out of the forest. "What about the Wooloo Lee?" Me and Leon both stop hearing Hops voice, I can tell he's looking at Leon with a tired but determined look. "The Wooloos safe Hop.."Leon sounds defeated but it's understandable. Hop stands up from my grasps and I follow right after.

|Time skip dew to Charaizard leading the way out|

Leon took us out with Charaizards help. He soon followed by lecturing us like no tomorrow, I can see that Hop is very close to tears. Leon clearly can't but I don't blame him, he hasn't been with Hop as long as I have, he was on his own journey with some other people. I go and hug Hop, Leon went to interject but didn't when Hop hugged back hiding his head in the nook of my neck hiding from Leon. The only words we hear from Leon for the rest of the evening to morning was I'm sorry, Hop,(y/n) please forgive me for yelling.

Lot longer that I thought I would write and honestly I feel bad for Hop, I mean I did this to him but really to cute. Well I hope you all are liking it. Stay safe in the "so called apocalypse" wash your hands or Leon will be at ya

Word count: 1007

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