Its Loud for a Cave

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(Y/n) POV

Hop, Bede, and me we're walking out of the hotel we stayed at, different rooms. I was in the middle Hop on my right, Bede on my left.

"It looks nice outside." I pointed to the sky, it was a clear blue one, the salt of the ocean present. "It sure is." Hop looked up at the sky blocking the sun with his hand.

Bede was looking at the shop in the middle of town. "If you want Bede you can go." I smiled looking at him, "I'm fine, but thank you for the offer." Bede seemed sad. "I must go I still have work for the chairman, that means I must leave your beauty." He made a dramatic pose with his hand on his head, I started laughing, Hop joining in aswell.

We waved our goodbyes watching him walk away to somewhere. Me and hop started to walk over to the other galar mine, saying hello to workers here and there.

"Hey (Y/n), you only have 3 Pokémon why not get a new one?" Hop poked my side as he asked, "That's a good point Hop." I look around seeing different types of Pokémon everywhere. "Hey Hop?" I tug at his sleeves, "what's that Pokémon with the red shell body?" Hop laughed lightly, "that's a Shuckle, a rock and bug type it think?" He went to go look at his phone to see but I was already by the Shuckle's side.

"Hello Shuckle." I crouched down hopefully not scaring it. "Shu?" It says turning to me, confused. "My name is (y/n), I wanna go on a Pokémon journey with my friend Hop, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us? It's ok if you don't." I panicked slightly, but reviving a nod from Shuckle.

I smiled grabbing a pokeball from my bag placing it on the ground. "Oi! Don't run off like that." Hop stood next to me, sighing. "Sorry but Shuckles gonna come with us!" I answer an non-existent question, as Shuckle taps the button going it, shaking a few times.


"Alright! I caught a Shuckle Hop!" I grab the pokeball standing up bouncing more than a Bunnary could. Hop started to laugh, holding my shoulders to stop me, "(y/n) your scaring the Pokémon, calm down" I calm down but still happy about catching a Shuckle.

We start walking further into the cave hearing loud yelling, it may have been by the caves echo. Hop and I kept walking seeing to men wearing weird clothes and makeup. They had horns that they shouted into, scaring Pokémon.

"Excuse me but can we get past you?" I ask looking at the two very weird men, "and who's askin'?" They held their horns at the him staring at us, "the two people that the champion endorsed." Hop stood next to me looking very smug, are trying to. "You aren't goin' past us, in the name of Marnie, and team yell!!!" They started shouting again, I covered my ears.

"Alright how about a battle, we win we go past, we lose we don't?" As I said that they put down their horns, "your on."

We stepped back, Hop sending out Wooloo and I sent out Eevee. The team yell people sent out a zigzagoon and Thivel.

|after the fught|

"We won Hop!" I was super happy we won. "Fine we'll let you past since we can't really stop you." And they left the cave. Hop healed our Pokémon. We started to walk a bit more hearing a guy talking.

That's when we saw him.

Do I have the motivation to write? Nope not a drop.

Do I have motivation to write a story that has nothing posted? Yeah I do!

Word count: 632

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