Childish Dream

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3d POV [haven't seen it in a while-]

"I'll try to be." (Y/n) said, laughing a tiny bit. "Better be, now I'll go take on the gym." Hop said, pulling (Y/n) up off of the ground. "Thank you, good luck when battling her."

-after since I'm lazy, not really-

Both trainers left the fairy type gym, talking with one another. "The questions were so random, like how am I supposed to know what you ate for breakfast." Hop argued over the slightly ridiculous questions Opal asked. "Yeah, I'm not a psychic type." (Y/n) joked, laughing at their own statement.

"Yeah, it wasn't like I got it wrong." He said. "Ok, jokes besides, where are we going next?" (Y/n) asked, having Hop smile a bit. "Past Hammerlocke, to Circhester. The ice and rock type gym are there." "Then let's get going!"

"Hey (Y/n) we should get a flying taxi, it may be better than walking." Hop suggested. "That's not a bad idea."

-in the taxi, with (Y/n) asleep-

(Y/n) POV

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" A child's voice rang three my ears. "Eh?" I blinked a few times seeing a younger Hop. "Common it's Halloween! Get your costume on." Hop said, running out of the room. I smiled seeing a handmade Mimikyu costume. Quickly putting it on I ran down the stairs seeing Hop in a Charaizard costume.

"Come on, let's get going! I really want so candy." Hop told my mom having her laugh. "Hop, relax you have to wait for (Y/n)." "I'm here mom." I said, walking up to her. "Alright then, let's get going." She said smiling.

I walked out of my house, seeing pumpkins with lights littered on the path. "Alright you two, when I say it's time to go back we go back." My mom said having both of us nod.

We both went to the town, my mom behind us. Parents were talking with one another while kids played with each other. "This is going to be so much fun." I said. "Yeah it will be!"

I saw a guy, around his 30s holding a basket full of pokeballs. "Hop, let's see what he's doing." I said pulling Hop over to him. "Oh, hello you two." He said crouching down to our level. "Hello mister." I said, looking at his basket. "Would you like one? There's  Pokémon in the pokeballs." He asked, I smiled nodding.

"Alright, I want you to close your eyes and grab a pokeball. Any." He said. I closed my eyes reaching in. I grabbed one of them at the bottom, pulling it out. "Oh? Let's see who that is." He said as I opened my eyes. He sent out the Pokémon shouting it was a Starly. "Wha! It's so cute." I said catching Hops and my mom attention.

"Hm what's this (Y/n)?" My mom said. "Hello miss. I hope you won't mind if I give your child this Starly right?" He asked looking up at her. "It's is cute I don't mind." She said.


Haha no chapter for tomorrow for this is HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!!!

This was for plot? Maybe I just didn't want to write about a flight to a city.

Word count: 541

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