An applin above

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Special chapter!!!!!!!!!!!

3d POV

Today was a very special day for (y/n). It was a year since they have dated Hop, now professors assistant. They may be the champion but they cared more about their boyfriend more than their current rating of champion.

They walked out on a very familiar route, route 4. (Y/n) walked past the day-care smiling at the building, remembering a very special memory from their past. Smiling they wave to the owners, even in their old age they welcomed the cute couple.

(Y/n) was here to find a very rare Pokémon, an Applin. The Pokémon wasn't for them but for their sugar plum, Hop. "Madam do you know where you could find an Applin?" (Y/n) asked the lady watering the Bedew's, "why, I say I saw one in a tree, sweetie." The lady pointed to a tree down the hill. "Thank you madam!" (Y/n) waved and raced down to the tree spotting a red Applin.

"Hey Applin! Can you come down please?" (Y/n) called to the Pokémon catching it as it fell out of the tree. "Thank you, so I have this guy who I love, and if it's ok to you I'd like to give you to them, as a sign of my love!" (Y/n) looked at the Applin receiving a smile, and a nod of approval to be a gift. They took out a different pokeball, a love ball. The Applin gladly went in the pokeball, it shaking in their hands. (Y/n) heard the click and smiled bigger than before now racing to call a flying taxi to go to Postwick.


(Y/n) ran to the lab, in the town next over. Running into the lab brushing past Sonia, blowing paper work out of her hands. "Sugar Plum!!" (Y/n) hugged the purpled hair man knocking more paperwork out of the way.

"Yes, sweet?" Hop smiles at his energetic love. "Can you take a day off, we've been dating for a year please?" (Y/n) begged him hearing a sigh come from a orange haired girl, "he can take a day off." Sonia looked to see two happy beaming faces of kid like adults. She blinked and say that papers were on the ground again.


(Y/n) dragged Hop to a secret place that only they knew in the middle of a lake. "Hey?" (Y/n) asked looking at the sky, seeing the sun set. "Yes, something wrong?" Hop asked worried he did something wrong, he grabbed (y/n) hand. "I have something for you..." (y/n) graves the love ball that held the Applin inside. "I got it for you!" They showed the pokeball releasing the Applin from inside.

Hop started to laugh, this didn't help the situation going on inside their head. "Y-you don't like Applin do you?" (Y/n) had their head low afraid of what to come. "(Y/n), I love it, but I find it funny," he brought out his own pokeball with a shiny Applin inside, "we had the same idea!" (Y/n) looked up and started tearing up, smiling at their lover.

Hop hugged (y/n), "please don't cry, love." (Y/n) hugged back, smiling even more. "I'm not, I swear, I'm just so happy!"

They sat their till midnight, (y/n) falling asleep, Hop bringing them back home, cuddling them till Hop fell asleep aswell.

Hey I hope you guys liked the "special chapter"

It was sweet to write!

Word count: 588

Snowy out~

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