Another Friend Can't Hurt

474 22 3

(Y/n) POV

It turned morning so I was outside waiting for Hop, playing with my Pokémon. Hop finished dissembling his tent, "You ready?" I looked back up to him nodding.

"So we gonna catch a new Pokémon for the both of us?" I asked returning my Pokémon into their poke balls. "I think that would be a good idea, you have a type you want to find or no?" He asked holding his hands behind his head. "I don't really have a type I want but I don't think I need anything in particular." I laughed hearing Hop laugh with me. "True that, Shuckle you got us a good bug type. I think one more wouldn't be bad though."

Our hunt for Hops wanted Pokémon lead us to find a Cramerant. I always thought they were funny looking but they could be proven strong. I still didn't know what new Pokémon to get, wandering around sounded good but we had to get to the gym at some time.

I sighed falling onto the ground, with no new Pokémon. "We've been looking for hours.." Hop laughed at my childish act. "It's only been one hour, you giving up already?" His head was tilted to the right, letting the sun make his eyes look more like enclosed lighting than they already were. "Maybe if I stay here long enough a Pokémon will come?" "I don't think so, as much as that sounds possible it's very low."

I groaned placing my hands on my face. "I wish Jirachi could give me a wish right now." "Jirachi's not in Galar sorry." I stood up dusting off the bits of grass that stuck to me. "I'm going to find a Pokémon you can head to the next town without me." "You sure?" "Yes Hop I'm sure, I have my Pokémon with me." He shook his head but left for Hammerlock.

I started walking in a direction not really paying attention to where I was going. I soon bumped into something falling onto the ground. "Oh? Would you like help beautiful?" A hand was held out and I took it, looking up to see Bede. "Sorry about that I wasn't looking where I was going." I said he just laughed in response. "Your fine about that, are you hurt though?" I shook my head smiling, he cares about me.

"What are you doing out here? Isn't um Hop with you?" He asked, but the last part sounded forced. "He was with me earlier but I told him to go to the next town without me. I want to catch another Pokémon." I explained seeing him nod a couple of times.

"Why don't you stay with me and I help you get a new Pokémon?" He suggested smiling. "That's be great but I don't want to be a bother.." he looked sad hearing me say that. "You won't be. I need to look for something in the wild area anyways." I nodded, making him smile.

We both wandered around talking about small things, like what he does for the chairman, how our journeys going and stuff. We reached a small pond, a couple of water types around.

"Water types are cool." Bede said, I crouched down to the pond humming. I saw a couple of Woopers playing around. "Woopers." I kept my gaze on the happy Woopers. "You want a Wooper?" Bede asked. "I do," I looked seeing a smaller sized Wooper. It was quite cute, small and all. "That ones cute!" I pointed to the smaller one, Bede's head followed suit. "Wait here then." He said walking over to it, talking. I giggled watching him. He soon walked back a pokeball in hand. "Here, for you." He held it out and I gratefully took it. "Thank you Bede, is it the Wooper?" "The one you pointed at. Keep it as a gift from me." He bowed slightly making me laugh. "Thank you so much!"

A treasure from you to me.

WOOPER- yassssss

You have 7 Pokémon- Drizzile, Umbreon, Shuckle, Minchino, Litwick, Yamper, and Wooper.

Word count: 682

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