Exersided a gym??

362 16 14

3d POV

"Mmh, good morning.." hops voice came out, scared of (y/n) a bit. "Good morning,hope you slept well." (Y/n) said, looking down at Hop. "Well I'll step out so you can change. I may go to the gym." (Y/n) stepped out of the tent holding their Pokémon's pokeballs.

They held their Pokémon in their hand, "Alright. Let's go to the gym." They said having some shake in their hand. They started walking to the gym, seeing it with its purple coloring. "Guess it's the ghost gym leaders turn in the morning." They walked in seeing a small group of other trainers.

(Y/n) POV

I got into the waiting room for the gym mission hearing my name be called. "Are you ready?" A man asked, he worked there. "Ready as I'll ever be." I stood up walking into the gigantic area.

"It's like Plinko?" I asked receiving a nod from Dan. "Yes, go down and battle. You'll battle the gym leader after." I walked over sitting in the cup like ride, buckling it. I look over the edge. "Man I really don't wanna go down..." I whispered. A small click was heard sending the cup down.

~after all that~

"God I don't know if that's a win or not.." my stomach felt like it was stuck in a blender. I carefully walked up the stairs going threw the doors. I was able to go strait to the battle field.

"Wow it's more purple than I thought." Walking to the center. People cheers echoed in my ears. A boy, walked in front. "Allister?" I asked. He nodded , "it's me.." his voice was so quiet I almost couldn't hear it. "Well, hello again? You want to get started?" He nodded walking away to his spot, I followed suit.

3d POV

(Y/n) held Inteleon's pokeball, "Lets go!" They tossed the pokeball letting the Pokémon come out. Allister sent of his Yamask. "Water pulse" Inteleon used water pluse barely hitting Allister's Pokémon. "Shadow ball.." Yamask shot it missing Inteleon.

In the stands, Hop cheers watching the match.

~the end of the match.~

(Y/n) POV

I stood there, my Boltund jumping around. "And the winner is challenger (y/n)!!" The announcer said, snapping me out of my shocked confusion. "We won buddy. We won!" I smiled hugging Boltund hearing him bark out. "Congratulation.." Allister stood in front his mask hiding his face. "You won, you beat the ghost gym.." he stuck his hand out holding the badge, I took it standing up.

"Thank you for the great battle, you did great." I said seeing him nod. We walked away, Boltund Following me. "You did great there." Boltund rubbed his head against my leg. I got my team healed up.

I walked out seeing Hop waiting for me. "Hop! I won." I called out. "I saw, you did great." He had to hold onto my shoulders since I was so energetic. "It was so close though, Boltund did so good though!" Hop started to laugh at my joy, making a shade of red go across my face.

"You did great (y/n)"


Snowy go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
The title is so weird...
I don't care if the party gets weird, I suck at writing.

Word count 546

Lets Hop to it-(Hop x reader)Where stories live. Discover now