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"Apa aku nak buat ea? Yura dah pergi date dengan Wonwoo oppa. Sunoo pergi dengan member dia. Hurmm bosan. Baca buku jelah"

Euntak yang sedang duduk di dalam kelas tu mengeluarkan novel dalam begnya. Selalunya dia akan baca ketika dia bosan. Earphone dipasang ke telinga. Lagu dibuka sambil dia menghayati lagu tersebut sambil itu jugalah dia membaca liriknya. Buku dibuka tadi di baca.

Happiness doesn't long last
As soon as you get it
Use it quickly because it's just for while

Sometimes love are painful
Sometimes love are happiness
Sometimes love are memories
Sometimes love are toy

But it doesn't matter as soon as she happy with beloved person

With the end of this let me end my life with sorrow day

Please turn the next day with smile and laugh

Please erase their memories about me

Please let the road with beautiful and colourful flower petal at it

Fill her heart with warmth of love

I'm Zeflon Aeros ready to let go all my immortal power to let the God keep for their sake

Dear Zeus please keep my power until the time comes.


Zeflon end his life by using the knife that can kill the immortal person. Redz the God of Memories erase all the memories about people that know Zeflon Aeros. Except one person, his bride to be, Eloise Winters.

-The End-

"Sad ending, habis mengalir air mata aku. Nasib bukan nangis tersedu-sedu." Euntak mengelap air matanya. Buku yang dibacanya disimpan kembali dalam beg.

His Bride

Buku berkaitan fantasy love story dan itu merupakan genre kegemaran bagi Euntak. Baginya banyak lagi genre kegemarannya cuma dia minat fantasy, adventure, action, romance. Antara tu kegemarannya.

Buku tu tak wujud ye. Author reka je tu uwu

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