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"ah shit i'm bored

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"ah shit i'm bored."

hyunjin said while laying on his bed with his phones in his hands. he was scrolling through instagram as he saw how many stays were thirsty for their leader.


he chuckled at all of the comments. some were thirsting over chans abs, crying over his smiles, sobbing over his laughs, and praising him for existing.

"damn stays really have no life do they?" hyunjin said while rubbing his forehead.

no, we do not but thanks for asking.

he wondered what it would feel like to tease stays the way chan does.

the constant flirting.

the amount chans rooms vlives.

the sex songs.

he was about to dive in.

he then thought a fun idea. to tease stays. i mean their leader is hot, who wouldn't have a crush on him?

"hmm messing around with stays seems fun~" he said with an attempt to evil laugh. he giggle quietly as he thought of what to post on instagram since they just got their personal accounts.



liked by skz

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liked by skz.linooo, skz.bang, stay.clown and millions of others
skz.hyunjean bang chan so sexc daddy yes 😩😩😩


skz.linooo im taking away your phone.
skz.hyunjean try me bitch🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🤨😽

skz.bang oh? what the fuck🧍‍♀️
skz.hyunjean zaddy ough~ 😩
skz.bang YO U OKAY I-

stay.clown BYE WHAT IS THIS

jinnieseyesmile WHO TAUGHT HIM THIS?!?
minsung123 bet it was minho

skz.stay.in someone get him off of stan twitter 🥰


"HYUNJIN WHAT THE FUCK!" chan screamed while stormed in his room.


"WHY DID U POST THAT AND AS YOUR FIRST POST MIGHT I ADD." chan said while crossing his arms.

hyunjin laughed at the leaders tone. he then sat upright in bed and tried to explain.

"its a joke, i just want stays to think i'm in love with you just like they do."

"by thirsting over me?"

"yes, i said just like what stays do"

"what's the purpose of this?"

"to mess with stays... and entertainment?? I DONT KNOW JUST LET ME DO THIS."

"fine! but can i play along..?"


chan nodded and left hyunjin's room. maybe this would be fun for him. i mean, teasing stays is always fun. but he needs to remember

it's just a joke.

(yo i would kill them if they did this in real life tho🧍‍♀️)

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