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"channie hyung!"

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"channie hyung!"


"minho hyung is bullying me!"

minho and hyunjin was eating at the table, and minho was teasing hyunjin and hyunjin wanted to punch him.

but he didn't want to eat tissues today.

or get airfryed, so he called chan instead.

daddy chan to the rescue 😤

"hey i'm not bullying you!"

"yes you are stop saying that my arms look like bumpy tree trunks."

"this is just me being honest."

hyunjin groaned in frustration, minho has been teasing him on how his arms look like bumpy tree trunks, he saw a photo of hyunjin during one of their concerts with his arms exposed.

hmm... this sounds familiar...

"ugh fuck me you're so annoying."

"no i won't fuck you, you're not jisung, go ask chan will you."

hyunjin rolled his eyes, chan walked towards hyunjin and minho to see what the fuck is going on in the dining table.

when hyunjin saw chan, his eyes lit up and he made grabby hands towards him. chan was shocked but he sat next to hyunjin and let the younger hug him.

hyunjin was feeling content, hearing chan's steady heartbeats and he nuzzled on his chest. minho glared at the two wishing that he could eat his food im peace.

"please get a fucking roo-"


minho's eyes lit up as he saw his cute squirrel faced boyfriend running towards him.

"hannie!" minho opened his arms as jisung then full speed ran towards minho and wrapped his arms around his neck. jisung then sat on minho's lap, and pulled away from the hug and cupped minho's face.

"did you miss me hannie?"

"mhm, missed you soooo much."

minho giggled making jisung giggle too, they rubbed eachother's noses and jisung pecked minho's lip making him smile.

"so you were saying min?" chan said as he rolled his eyes, with hyunjin still wrapped around his waist while looking up at chan.

"shut up."



liked by skz

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liked by skz.linooo, skz.felticks, skz.hyunjean and millions of others
skz.bang minsung supremacy ig 🙄🙄

#StrayKids #STAY #🤙🏻


skz.linooo✔️ we're so gay bye.
skz.bang✔️ i would be disappointed in u if u were str*ight👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

skz.jiji✔️ minsung best couple👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
skz.bang✔️ yes minho and seonghwa 😍😍
skz.jiji✔️ my heart just sharted 🥺☹️

skz.hyunjean✔️ this could be us but you play too much.
skz.bang✔️ we can make it us baby boy <3
hyunchan.shipper y'all better not be playin with me rn.


(hot minho😩😩)

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(hot minho😩😩)

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