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liked by skz

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liked by skz.felticks, skz.bang, skz.inn and millions of others
skz,hyunjean good morning <3
#straykids #Lovestay


skz.felticks (18+) korean boyfriend wakes you up horny ASMR 🥵

skz.bang cute.
skz.hyunjean *pisses cutely*
skz.linooo ^pls dont blame me for this shit

skz.inn pov: you just woke up and decided to make out with your dog
skz.hyunjean STOP IT😭

i.need.dick my username.
skz.hyunjean yo lowkey same @/skz.bang .


hyunjin was scrolling through the comments. seeing his members comments, thirsty stays, and soft stays. he then looked at the time and remembered that he had practice today.

he put his phone down and sat up and stretched his arms, letting out a sound of relief. he got out of bed and walked towards their living room.

he rubbed his eyes as he slowly walked towards the dining table finding the leader, bang chan.

chan had no make up on and his hair was fluffy and a little messy. he had black athletic shorts on with a black muscle shirt. he was currently scrolling to his phone looking serious.

hyunjin stood there frozen just staring at chan. he looked hot today. i mean he looks hot everyday.
but today?

he was more daddy than usual.

chan can feel eyes staring at him and when he looked at the direction that he felt someone staring at him, he met eyes with the younger.

he gave hyunjin a small smile as hyunjin then realized and looked away quickly and trying to cover his blush. he felt embarrassed by it.

"morning jinnie." chan said while smiling softly.

"o-oh morning hyung." hyunjin said shyly. he doesn't know why but today chan just made him blush more.

i mean he definitely didn't like chan and his kangaroo ass...


ya there's no way he likes him. maybe he just felt weird today. maybe it's the weather.

"oh? no daddy today?" chan said while smirking.

"w-what?" hyunjin said as he looked up to meet chan's eyes.

chan smirked and he got up and got closer to hyunjin.

"hyung? not daddy?" chan said as his face was inches apart from hyunjins.

hyunjin stood there frozen he looked down at chan. let's not forget that chan is 5'7 and hyunjin is literally 5'9.

even though chan was shorter, his presence was much more dominant than hyunjin which made hyunjin feel shyer than usual.

"hm?" chan said as the younger was losing focus and he didn't respond to chan.

"n-no i'm g-gonna go uh k-kkami misses me!" hyunjin said as he walked back to his room quickly bumping his shoulder on the door in the process.

chan laughed. he liked the kind of effect that he gave the younger. although everything is a joke, chan knows how to get through hyunjin's skin. he knows how to break the younger's shell.

he knows how to tease hyunjin the right way. just as how he tease stays.

chan can play this game too.


(oooh flustered hyunjin is coming~)

(oooh flustered hyunjin is coming~)

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