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"jisung stop checking your ass and get to the car

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"jisung stop checking your ass and get to the car."

chan said as they had to go to practice. well almost everyone was ready and they were in the car the squirrel lookalike was checking his perfectly round ass in the mirror.

"yo my fucking ass looks so fat today damn." jisung said as he rubbed his clothed ass with his hands. just then minho walked passed him and smacked it just as it was his.

"i guess your ass just wanted to be ms buns instead of ms pancakes today." minho said as he smirked.

jisung blushed and waddled to follow him to the car.

they were seperated in two different cars. one car had hyunjin, chan, felix, and jisung. while the other car had minho, changbin, jeongin, and seungmin.

yes, minsung was seperated. don't ask.

throughout the car ride jisung kept talking about his ass, and only felix listened. while chan was on his phone and hyunjin was asleep.

the manager was sadly forced to be listening to jisung's conversation. send help.


"fuck my lungs are about to give out."

hyunjin said as he collapsed on the floor. they were learning a dance for their new comebacks and it was very fast paced and hyunjin was tired.

he crawled to the couch as he sipped his water and wiped his sweat.

he was shining, shimmering, splendid.

when he looked at the mirror he saw chan practicing the moves one more time. and he swore he felt his body feeling ten times hotter than before.

the way the older groaned and breathe heavily as he tried to perfect his moves. and he saw the older gulped his water while sweating heavily.

and damn, he wanted to be banged by bang chan.

hah, funny.

hyunjin quickly his thoughts away as he tried to focus and get back up to dance. but then he saw minho and jisung smacking eachother's asses.

"hyung stop slapping my ass!"

"no but your ass is asking for it let me have it."



liked by skz

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liked by skz.jiji, skz.hyunjean, skz.bang and millions of others
skz.linooo mf kept slapping my ass 🍑😪


skz.jiji WHAT😀?

skz.hyunjean you guys were slapping asses?
skz.linooo you were too busy staring at bang chan like he is your next meal bye🧟
skz.hyunjean SHUSHHH

skz.bang being a leader is fun! i dont recommend it.😊
skz.linooo we're just too swag for u🙄


(ass 🥵🤤)

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