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"its too fucking high!"

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"its too fucking high!"

"it's okay hyungie see i'm clinging onto you."

jisung said as they were sitting in the ferris wheel. minho was scared because of his fear of heights and his boyfriend is trying to calm him down.

minho refused to look down afraid that he was going to start panicking. jisung was clinging onto minho's arm giving him tiny kisses and occasionally looked down.

the view down below was amazing. and no, he wasn't talking about minho's pp but it was amazing.

there were lights shining from the fair, and he could also see the sky darkening and the stars shining. there were other couples that were in other booths.

minho stayed frozen, he was sitting with a striaght posture and his eyes fixed to the front.

"hyung look down for a second."

"fuck no."

"i promise it's pretty."

"i don't fucking care i'm probably prettier anyways."

jisung rolled his eyes but agreeing. lee minho might be the most beautiful human being in the planet.

hyunjin and chan was in the booth in front of them, chan was looking around and smiling at the view. hyunjin was leaning down and looking gasping when he sees something cool.

"hyung, hyung look! the man is trying to get the girl a present, i wanna see if he succeeds."

chan chuckled and ruffled hyunjin's hair, hyunjin watched intensely as the man suceeds and got his girl a present.

hyunjin gave tiny claps and let out a little cheer as he was happy for the man. chan smiled and pinched hyunjin's cheek softly.

"you're so cute."

hyunjin sat fixed his position and pouted while blushing.

"hyung stopp."

"it's true, you might be the cutest baby boy ever."

hyunjin giggled and clinged onto chan's arm and leaned his head on chan's shoulders. he loved being called baby boy by chan. he loved being small.

even though he's fucking tall. he can be tiny. no arguments here.

jeongin and seungmin was in one booth, eating cotton candy and looking at the stars. they were really close to eachother, and they like it that way.

they were eachother's ride or die.

felix and changbin was in one booth. felix was cuddling with changbin as changbin smiled. felix loved the safety of being with changbin. he loved it. because of changbin's muscular and strong figure, felix just clinged into changbin.

that's why felix has a crush on him. and changbin has one too.

shush, you didn't hear it from me.




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liked by skz.hyunjean, skz.bang,skz.linooo and millions of others.
realstraykids had such fun today with the group and i hope stays had a good day too!


(it's changlix lol suprise

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(it's changlix lol suprise.)

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