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"please do not pack your vibrator

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"please do not pack your vibrator."

chan said with a begging tone. they were currently packing for their world tour. he suspected that minho and jisung would do something inappropriate and kinky.

jeez stop assuming things.

but that wasn't really an assumption because minho  sighed and took out the vibrator that was packed in his suitcase.

chan was now helping hyunjin with his bag, packing all of his belongings with his hyunjin.

"channie hyung?"

"yes baby boy?"

"what else do you think i need?"

"hmmm... a kiss from me?" chan said before leaning in to kiss hyunjin making him giggle and blush a little.

"aish hyung stop~ but actually though what do i need?"

chan examined hyunjin's bag seeing that there were enough clothes and that his necessities were there so he smiled and ruffled hyunjin's hair.

"i don't think you need anything else."

"oh wait! my plushie!" hyunjin said as he ran and got his plushie. he walked back in hugging the plushie tight. it was the plushie that chan got him once.

"oh? you still have it?"

"of course! i sleep with it every night it reminds me of you." hyunjin said as he nuzzled it into his face.

chan smiled at the action finding every single thing hyunjin does cute.

he was whipped for hyunjin.


but i don't blame chan because who isn't? hyunjin was adorable but he was also really handsome and he was kind too and he's really talented and he's amazing and-

okay let me stop before i ramble.



liked by skz

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liked by skz.hyunjean, skz.linooo, skz.felticks and millions of others
skz.bang currently packing for tour with this cutie!

#STAY #StrayKids #🤙🏻 #hyunjinbestboy


skz.hyunjean✔️ i wuv youuu
skz.bang✔️ aww i love you too

skz.linooo✔️lmao dispatch sucks☺️
skz.bang✔️ ikr we're literally dating in one group mf theyre so slow 🙄
koreadispatch why the fuck are u slandering us😔

i.need.dick do you still need it?
skz.hyunjean✔️yes, but i got it 😋

(bitch sike its not ending.)

(i'm crying at this point

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(i'm crying at this point.)

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