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"han jisung! stop messing up, this is the fourth time!"

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"han jisung! stop messing up, this is the fourth time!"

their choreographer shouted. jisung looked down and bowed feeling sorry, he fidgeted with his fingers to try and not cry.

chan looked pissed at the choreographer. he had the nerve to do that on his first day. he decided to keep silent. just to test the waters.

you may be wondering,

what about minho?

well, he was very close to using his boxing skills at him. the whole time, minho was glaring at the choreographer, his fist was formed into a ball and he was very close on snapping.

until he looked at chan, chan signalled him to calm down a bit and to cool the thoughts off. he doesn't want minho to lose control and get in trouble.

the music played again and jisung focused on trying to get the steps right. however throughout the chorus, his feet slipped and a crack was heard.

jisung crawled down and sobbed, he couldn't contain his tears anymore, the pain was unbearable. his feet felt numb but it didn't feel right.


minho rushed towards jisung, putting jisung on his lap and checking his foot. it was swollen and it looked like it was starting to bruise. minho decided to rush him to the hospital when jisung had calmed down.

"are you kidding me?! how are you a member you're so useless! i can't believ-"

the choreographer got cut off by minho.

minho was about to put tissues in his mouth.

he was too noisy for his liking.

"stop! leave. now." minho said with a stern tone and a cold glare.

the members gulped looking at him, they knew that of minho was like this, he was definitely angry. the choreographer looked shaken up as he bowed and left the room.

"shush it's okay, it's okay. you did well. i promise you." minho tried to reassure

"i-i'm sorry! h-hurts, i-it hurts."

"i know baby, i'm sorry, now try to calm down for me please. you know that hyung will always take care of you."

minho said as he kissed jisung's forehead and rocked him from side to side. jisung wasn't that kuch smaller than minho.

but he felt like a baby.

he knew that minho will always take care of jisung.

just like jisung had always hoped.



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liked by skz.jiji, skz.hyunjean, skz.bang and millions of others
skz.linooo i love you so much baby, i will always take care of you.

#stay #minsung

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(spray kids.)

(you're not fooling anyone pls😥)

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(you're not fooling anyone pls😥)

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