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"hyung.." felix whispered as he looked over to his side. changbin was sleeping while felix was awoken because of turbulence.

felix was scared of those, the plane shaking slightly as he could feel himself on air. the seatbelt button turned on and the bathroom was prohibited.

he almost cried as his worse thoughts got the best of him. he shook changbin awake as tears started to drop from his eyes. changbin looked over to see felix crying.

"felix? what's wrong?"

"scary. it's scary." felix said as he pouted and his looked of desperation broke changbin's heart. changbin then put the arm rest away for felix to have access to his body.

felix then clinged his arm around changbin's as he laid his head on changbin's chest. the plane shook harder making felix flinch and grip tighter. making changbin stroke his hair as he tried to calm him down.

"shush, it's okay lix just hold my hand. i promise you that it'll be over soon and we're going to land in jakarta baby. it's okay i'm here i promise."

changbin said, changbin held out his hand as felix held it, felix tried to close his eyes as the plane started to slow down. eventually he started to fall asleep deep in changbin's arms.


"lixie~ time to wake up we landed baby." changbin as he lightly shook felix awake. felix woke up as he rubbed his eyes and trying to adjust to the light, he suddenly felt hot so he took his jacket off.

"ah, my ass hurts holy shit that was a kinda long plane ride god damn." jisung said as he stretched his arms out almost hitting an innocent lady.

"jeez then i guess we can't play in the hotel room huh?" minho said smirking. jisung looked at minho like he was joking.

"are you serious? my ass is always ready for your dick." jisung said with lowered volume because he had embarrassed himself enough today.

minho smiled and just ruffled jisung hair as jisung scrunched his nose.

we should still pray for his ass though.


(i fucking hate turbulence.)

(i cant do this anymore

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(i cant do this anymore. bye.)

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