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"wait hyunjin that means you're having a chris-is

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"wait hyunjin that means you're having a chris-is."

"get the fuck out."

jisung laughed at his own joke, felix and jeongin just giggled. hyunjin rolled his eyes and smacked jisung in the back of the head.


"bitch i'm having a real fucking problem."

"then let chan help you." jisung said while smirking.

"i swear to fucking god, NOT THAT KIND OF PROBLEM JISUNG."

jisung shot his hands up in defeat. hyunjin was having a crisis because he finally realised that he does have a crush on chan's kangaroo ass.

took you long enough.

"okay what the fuck do i do? should i just ignore him so that my feelings go away?"

jisung and felix looked at him disgusted.

"no that's fucking dumb, you're gonna hurt yourself too." felix said.

"you right you right." hyunjin admitted.

hyunjin launched himself onto the couch and groaned. he hated being this confused. it toys with your feelings.

"should i just ask google?"

"no, hyunjin at this point you should just be honest with your feelings and get closer with him." jeongin said.

"i agree with jeongin." jisung said.

"ya you know what i'll figure it out."



liked by skz

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liked by skz.bang, skz.linoo, skz.changebin and millions of others.
skz.hyunjean status: currently simping ove bangchan help anyone IF URE A CHAN STAN HOW DO YOU DO THIS SHIT 😭😩🤨

#straykids #Lovestay #helpimhorny


skz.bang✔️ hey baby boy u know you could just come into my room right?
skz.hyunjean✔️ IF U DONT STOP😭
channiechan NO BC THIS IS HOW WE FEEL-

skz.linooo✔️ heres a tip. open vlive, hug him and play i dont want to admit on a 7 hour loop while eating vegemite🤰🤩
skz.hyunjean✔️ i dont think stays do this..
skz.linooo✔️ oh u'll be suprised

skz.changebin✔️ thank you for the gay update hyunjin any more?
skz.hyunjean✔️ i'm still simping and hugging chan felt so warm through the screen-
skz.changebin✔️ wow spoiling us with double updates i see?


(im suddenly treesexual

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(im suddenly treesexual.)

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