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"OUCH!" I cried out in pain holding my arms. I was about to tackle whoever the f*ck that yanked me.

I turned around to see Zack with a regret expression on his face. "WHY WOULD YOU FREAKING DO THAT ZACK?!?" I yelled at him. 

Suddenly, Laura tugged both of us harshly towards our porch because we were still standing at the neighbor's front door. I gave both of them a death glare and crossed my arms waiting for an answer from Zach.

Zack lowered his head "I'm sorry Bels...I saw you gawking at the neighbor and I got excited for you. It's been so long since I saw you interested in someone...I was trying to yank you playfully but it was harder than it meant to be."

My face softened, I stepped closer and engulfed him in a big warm hug. "It's okay Zackie. I know you didn't mean it," I kissed his cheek. His whole face lit up like a child that heard dinosaurs are real. 

Laura cleared her throat "Why did you yank her Buckethead? I was on the edge to tackle you on the ground for hurting her." Zack flipped her off and sulked. Here we go again fighting like an old married couple. I wonder if they are really friends.

"STOP F*CKING WITH ME, PRINCESS!" Zack bumped Laura's shoulder. Laura was about to slap him " OH MY GOD STOP IT NOW. I AM OKAY AND ZACKIE ALREADY APOLOGISED!" I shouted putting a stop to Laura's doing.

"Now, Let's go inside and gossip about the neighbor," I said knowing they would get so excited for this. They both stopped glaring at each other and smiled at me.

"YESSS! Let's go, Princess," Zack pulled Laura inside the bungalow. I chuckled to myself thinking how they were sulking at each other a few seconds ago. They are so unpredictable.

I proceeded my way inside glancing at the bungalow next to us one last time.

Noah gave us a room to stay in until we get to move to our apartment. As for now, we were sitting on the bed eating some burritos that Noah got us. 

"So...Do you like her or something?" Zack asked me with his mouth full of food chewing. Laura rolled her eyes at him. "Ummm...I don't know...Maybe," I replied shyly. Both Laura and Zack's eyes widen in shock. 

"OH MY GOD! You're getting shy talking about her....It's been so long since I saw you genuinely interested in know after the breakup with Jo......OUCH!" Laura smacked Zack's head before he could finish. But I knew what he meant.

"Bucket really need to shut up," Laura pinched his bicep. He stood up and sat beside me starting to eat quietly as Laura was throwing daggers at him. "It's okay, Zackie" I leaned on him and whispered. His lips grew into an ear-to-ear grin.

"Don't worry. We can check her out every day and after we moved...We can stalk her while visiting your brother once in a while," Zack said clapping his hands excitedly. "What do you mean 'WE' she is Bella's crush," Laura squinted her eyes at him sipping her soda.

"Bels, Can you explain how do you felt when you saw her?" Zack said totally ignoring Laura. 

My whole face heats up from the question. I must look like a tomato by now. "Ummm...I felt like...I was..," I paused to take a deep breath to stop myself from stuttering. 

After I calmed down, I started to speak "When I saw her...I was so mesmerized by her beauty and elegance. It felt like my heart did a leap when she smiled. I felt warm and giddy. Just thinking about her makes me have a million butterflies flying around inside me." 

"AWWWWW!" Laura hugged me. "That is sooooooo AWESOMEEEE!" Zack poked my cheek.

 "Guys, It's just a silly crush...we don't even know her yet. She is practically still a stranger." I told them burying my face in my hands. "It's okay Bels....we can never predict what the future holds," both of them said in unison wiggling their eyebrows at me.

Smiling at my friends, I felt so grateful for having them in my life. It's a blessing to have friends that accept you for how you are and love you eternally.

I sighed hoping all these feelings would fade away. I am not good enough for anyone.

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