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"Here is your hot cocoa," Noah slide the steamy cup to me. We are in the kitchen because Noah wants to talk to me and Ariel is playing with Zack and Laura. It's almost evening now so far nothing was announced. I smiled at him and took a sip. "So, how are your classes treating you?" he questioned me. Sighing, I forced a smile and said "It's great so lecturers..," I paused. I can't tell him about Rose. That will be so awkward if I told him I like my lecturer.

" lecturers are great," I continued stirring my drink. He eyed my facial expressions and opened his mouth to say something. Before he could say anything we heard Rose screaming outside. My heart dropped for a moment. 

Noah quickly pulled me with him. All of us including Hunter came outside to check what is happening. I was on the verge of crying. The only thing I could think about is someone shot Rose. 

Just then. I saw her running towards us. "Guys, there are gang members trying to kidnap a girl," she panted from running too fast. My eyes widened in shock. Without hesitating, Zack ran in the direction Rose pointed. We all sprinted towards the area.

And there it was. A van was parked there, two gang members were holding the girl. She looked like she was in her early teenage years. Hunter and Zack tried to help her. The girl started to beg, "PLEASE..LET ME GO...PLEASE!" her voice filled with desperation. I looked to my side seeing Rose calling the police. She signalled me to stay quiet. 

Zack neared the guys but "DON'T YOU DARE COME NEAR...I WILL SHOOT YOU," one of them warned smirking at Zack. But Zack wasn't backing up so Laura pushed him to step back. 

The police were 20 minutes away, we have to do something to make these guys stay now. So, I stepped forward and put my hands up "Take me...leave that girl alone." I proceeded to walk towards the guy that was holding a gun on the girl's head. He smiled creepily showing all his yellow teeth and proceeded to eye f*ck me. Chills running down my spine, I gulped taking slow steps. 

Zack, Laura, Hunter, Noah, and Rose started to freak out. "No Bella, DON'T DO THAT!" they shouted in unison. I turned my head back and nod at them. The guy let the girl go and hold me. The girl ran towards Laura and hugged her. Ughhh...he smelt like he didn't shower for months. 

He pointed his gun at my head and whispered, "You smell so good...can't wait to taste you, baby girl." I stiffened realizing what he exactly meant by that. I couldn't do anything but stand there helpless. I saw Rose visibly clutching her fist. She was throwing daggers at this guy. Then, I saw Noah with an unreadable expression.

Suddenly, Noah tackled him to the ground out of nowhere. They were punching and pushing each other. The other guys started to round Noah but Zack and Hunter were quick enough to punch and kick them. I saw Rose trying to help Zack to beat the sh*t out of the gang members. Zack and Noah were bleeding from the fight. Laura was soothing the girl who was balling her eyes out.

We heard the police sirens not too far away. Thank god they are finally here. But before we could do anything, one of the guys pushed Hunter away and grabbed the gun from the ground. 

The sound of bullets being fired multiple times filled the air. I closed my eyes and tried to cover my ears from the loud sound. Everything became quiet, I opened my eyes hoping no one got shot or hurt.

Just then, I saw Noah's face turning in horror. The colors in his face drained. His tears started to broke free. I turned around and glanced behind.

 Her body felt limbless on the ground. My heart stopped, my knees gave up. I fell on my knees feeling my world crashing down. Everything started to slow down. Everyone around me felt like slow motion. My body wasn't moving, it was like a statue. But the pain I was feeling was unbearable. Why her? Why not me?

This is not happening. No, this is not real. She didn't leave me. Oh god not her, please.

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