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I felt my heart clenching at the sight as I witnessed Bella following Mira like nothing happened between us. So they planned out to wear matching colors? Am I a fool? I sighed while taking a seat beside Mr. Smith. He was talking about something to the lecturers who sat in the same table as us. Suddenly, I felt someone sat beside me. I turned my head and saw a female lecturer.

She had jet black hair with some blonde highlights and a piercing hazel eyes. She was really fair it almost looked like she was pale. She smiled at me showing her dazzling white teeth. Her eyes held this interest like I was intriguing her so much.

Gulping slightly, I know this is not what I wanted to deal with tonight.

"Hey, I'm Amelia," she introduced herself while glancing down at my lips. "Hi. I'm Rose," I said casually zeroing my gaze at Bella. Bella quickly looked away when I caught her staring at us. She leaned on Mira. Oh, two can play this game.

I smirked and turned my attention to Amelia. We were having conversations and I learned that Amelia was from Alberta. She teach microbiology here. She seemed like a gentle soul. Everything about her was so graceful and elegant.

As we were talking and exchanged number, I saw Bella side eyeing me. Sighing, I heard Amelia saying "It looks like the winner likes you." She giggled because let me tell you my eyes were bulging out of my skull. 

"Wh-...WHAT?" I stuttered out trying to hide nervousness in my voice. "Look Rose, we have been talking and having dinner for a while now. It's obvious that both of you are looking at each other frequently and I can feel the jealousy dripping out of both of you. To be honest, Mira and I have a thing for each other too. We are just waiting until Mira finishes her final year. We fought a few days back and she is clearly trying to make me jealous right now. She is getting her revenge," she said casually while twirling her wine glass.

I was beyond flabbergasted at what she just confessed. Quickly regaining my composure, I cleared my throat trying to find the right words to say. Just by then, Mira and Bella got up and went somewhere. I looked at Amelia who smirked at me and stood up. We both followed Mira and Bella and realized they were standing in front of the elevator. They were so close it made me so upset. 

Amelia grabbed Mira by her arms and dragged her inside the elevator. Mira looked so nervous and I looked at Bella who was taken back by Amelia's action.

I copied Amelia's action and the tension inside the elevator was too much.

Closing our room door quickly, I fold my arms in front of my arms. Bella looked at me and she said "I had no choice but to accept Mira's offer. I'm sorry Rose. My intentions was not to hurt you. Seeing you with Miss Green made me so jealous that's why I acted so close to her to get you back. Us wearing matching colors were a total coincidence. I only want you Rosie," almost on the verge of tears.

Embracing her in my arms, " I know Bella. It's okay you did nothing wrong. Amelia..well Miss Green and Mira have a thing for each other. Mira was only using you to make her jealous," I said putting my face in the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent.

But the images of her being close to Mira triggered my possessive side to show. I can no longer control that.

I held her neck gently while looking deep in her eyes, "you're mine," I whispered and pulled her closer for a kiss


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