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It's been almost 2 months since what happened between us. There wasn't a single day passed without me thinking about Bella. I love her and I know that. Every time I tried to talk to her, she always avoided me which is understandable because she saw me sleeping with someone that she knew as my best friend. But only I know I was forced. Emma was blackmailing about the videos she took when Bella and I were together.

Sighing, I turned off my car engine and walked towards my house. Bella is also doing intern at York's and it's been torture for me. I can't stand when she is ignoring me. She doesn't even lay her eyes on my face.

It's eating me alive. My heart feels so much pain. I lost someone that treated me like a perfect human being. I lost someone who is dearest to me.

I noticed Bella's car in the driveway. I started to wonder what she was doing right now. Maybe checking up on her is not a very great idea because last week she slammed the door shut on my face when I tried to talk to her.

Rubbing my temples feeling the throbbing pain in the back of my head I went inside the kitchen to grab some cold water. I noticed six soju bottles in my fridge. Today is Friday so drinking should be fine. I need an escape from this pain for a while.

I grabbed four bottles and went to sit on my couch. I started to drown myself in alcohol.


It was raining heavily, the thunders and lighting made it worse. It was around 10 pm now. I was binging on 'senior year' and 'family switch' in Netflix all day today. I loved those movies.

My eyes felt heavy so I turned off my laptop and closed my eyes while slouching on the sofa. 'Ding dong' I heard the door bell going off. I didn't order any food for myself since I bought myself some pizza on my way home from York's. I decided to do my internship there since it's closer and the work was much easier for me. The only con about it was that I need to face Rose everyday. I keep myself busy to avoid thinking about her. I don't hate her I can't hate her and I hate myself for that.

'Ding dong' I heard the door bell ringing again. I have no idea who is here because it's raining so much right now. Dusting myself off after standing up, I walked towards the door and checked the door camera.  I sighed in frustration and wondered why Rose was here again. I opened the door and yelled "WHAT ROSE!?"

My jaw dropped in shock after witnessing a barely walking drunk Rose leaning on the side wall and looked at me with half opened eyes. "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii babyyyy I missed youuuuuuuuuu," she slurred while trying to stand straight but failed miserably and fell on me.

I caught her by her shoulders and mumbled "what the fuck?"

It's too late to send her back because it's raining I'm not going out there. The thunders and lightnings scares me so much. I peaked outside to see her front door closed. I sighed in relief and brought her to the sofa. She was drenched from the heavy rain. My shirt got wet trying to balance her.

She plopped on the couch like a dead rat. She was way too drunk to use her brain right now. As much as I hate her, I can't chase her away like this. Especially when it's raining like this. She can barely walk.

I closed the front door shut and locked it. I brought her to the guest bedroom near the living room. I made her sit on the floor because I don't want her to wet the bedsheet. She was mumbling random things to me and giggled. Sighing in defeat, I went to my room and grabbed the biggest t-shirt and basket ball shorts I had.

I went back to the room Rose was in and saw her almost on the verge of passing out. "Come on, you will catch fever. Let me help you," I said in a gentle voice. Her eyes opened quickly and looked at me. Her eyes flashing hurt, I walked closer to her and took off her clothes. I wiped her body with a dry towel. She is still in her work clothes so I assume she start drinking right after work today. Though I don't smell any obvious alcohol odor on her. I wonder what the hell she drank.

I helped her wear my clothes and made her sit in front me while I sat on the bed. I started to dry her hair with a towel and she was taking in every inch of my face. I just let her be because I'm too tired to push away a drunk person who can't think straight right now. I won't lie Rose looked visibly skinny like she lost a few pounds. Her dark circles are visible.

She looked so disheveled. My heart tugged at her appearance. It looked like she is abandoning herself. I felt bad.

It felt weird looking at her face this close after avoiding her for almost two whole months.

"Babyyyy, don't hate me pleaseee. She force me...I did for you so you will be okay....Emma is bad...very bad...babyyy I need you," Rose slurred while holding my arm. I was a bit taken back from what she said but she's drunk. My heart squeezed painfully. Does this mean Emma forced Rose? What does it have to do anything with me? I was beyond confused but this is a talk we will have once she sobered up.

"Okay, I know. Relax. You're lucky because today is Friday," I told her trying to sound scary while pinching her cheeks but she giggled and started to fall asleep.

I made her lay on the bed and covered her with a blanket. She might get cold. I don't want her to catch fever.

I can't let her sleep alone because I don't want her to throw up here if she feels like it. I need to watch her over.

I took the bolster and placed it in between us. I laid beside Rose maintaining the gap and felt my eyes slowly slipping into darkness after realizing Rose passed out cold.

I will handle this in the morning. Maybe I'm not ready to face the truth...........



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