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"RINGGGGGGGG..............RINGGGGGGGGGGGG..........RINGGGGGGG," I groaned rolling around my bed and trying to reach for my phone to turn off the alarm. I rubbed my eyes harshly to get rid of my sleepiness. I checked the wall clock and realized it was 6 in the morning. Remembering Rose telling me that we would head to the university around 8 am, I quickly got off the couch and went to the bathroom to freshen up and dress up for the day. Thank god, I still kept my products here at Noah's so I don't have to pack anything to stay the night here except packing my clothes.


Observing myself in the mirror, I liked the way this crop top hugged my petite body along with this low-rise boot-cut jeans. I wore light makeup and put my hair up in a ponytail with some loose strands around my face because I was not trying to impress anyone. I sighed in satisfaction glancing one more time at my appearance. I threw on my new balance 530's and headed to Rose's house with my luggage. The morning breeze grazed my body so softly as soon as I stepped outside. I noticed the garage was empty. Well I guess Noah and Hunter have to work early today its Tuesday after all. Our competition is on Saturday.

Quickly recovering from my thoughts, I walked to Rose's driveway porch. She was already in her car waiting for me. As soon as I saw her, my heart leaped so I smiled at her while waving my hand like a kid. She stepped out of her car and I froze in my place as my eyes roamed her body. She was wearing a simple cream colored shirt with slacks. She looked hot. I'm pretty sure I was ogling at her. Realizing I was staring, I cleared my throat which also happened to bring back Rose to reality. So, she was staring at me too? Or am I dreaming?

Smiling sheepishly I gave her my luggage and sat at the front passenger seat. I felt so hot and shy all of the sudden because seeing Rose driving is hot and her driving a Lamborghini Urus is extremely attractive. Shaking my head at all of the unholy thoughts, I tried to start a conversation with her.


Bella look so beautiful. Her petite body is absolutely magnificent. But she has been really quiet since I started driving. Her biting lips right now is driving me crazy. " Have you had your breakfast yet?" She questioned me all of the sudden. I smiled at her cuteness and said "Not yet but we will have breakfast at a nearby cafe once we pick everyone up."

She nodded her head and grinned at me ear to ear. I chuckled slightly and stopped the car at our university's parking lot. I saw Laura and Penny leaning on a truck while Zack sat inside of the truck. I quickly waved my hands at them signaling to get in my car. "Um...Rose...Penny will come with us but Laura will go with Zack. Zack had to bring his truck since all of our outfits and other things is in his truck," Bella said while looking at her phone. I guess Laura texted her just now. Penny walked towards the car and got in. "Good Morning, Miss Matthews and Bels," she squeaked. Bella giggled bumping her fists with Penny. "Morning Penny," I beamed sensing her nervousness. "Bella ask Laura and Zack to follow us to Ben's Cafe . It's 10 minutes away from here," I said focusing on the road as I drove off. Bella hummed and dialed Laura. 

"WE ARE FINALLY HERE. THANK GOD. MY ASS HURTS FROM SITTING FOR TOO LONG!" Bella groaned and stretched her neck as she hopped off the car. I don't blame her after we had our breakfast, we came here to Edmonton it took 5 hours since we got stuck in the traffic. Good thing we bought snacks at the gas station it helped all of us from being grumpy. It's almost 3 pm now. I turned off the engine and got out. My body hurts but at least I can rest at the hotel. Speaking of the hotel, it looked massive and modern. "WOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," I heard Zack, Laura, Penny and Bella saying in unison their face showed pure awe. I chuckled to myself and entered the hotel.

The receptionist was nice to us. She was flashing her million dollars smile and handed us the key to our room. "Hi, I'm Mrs.Randy. You are Miss.Matthews from York's right?" she asked me politely while casting a glance behind me. I nodded my head and said 'yes' while smiling back at her. "Miss.Matthews I spoke about this to Mr.Smith, we don't have a lot of rooms available right now so we will provide 3 rooms with queen size beds. I'm sorry for the inconvenience," she finished. I nodded my head worried thinking about who I have to stay with now. All the others were having the same reaction as me. 

But all of the sudden, Zack shrugged off and took a key from my hand. "I will stay with Mr.Smith I guess he will be here on Thursday until then I will have the room for myself," He walked away and turned around to wiggle his eyebrows at Laura. Huffing Laura, took another key from my hand while pulling Penny with her. She turned around and smirked at Bella evilly. "FINE LAURA,SCREW YOU!" Bella mouthed at Laura. My heart sank wondering if Bella didn't want to stay with me. I lowered my head fidgeting the key in my hands while waiting for her response. COME ON ROSE SHE'S YOUR STUDENT. DON'T BE UPSET.


"I cannot believe both of my friends just left me here and made me stay with Rose. Not that I'm complaining but they both know how I feel for her and this will only make it worse," the voice in my head kept repeating while groaning. I slowly glanced at Rose noticing her deep in thoughts and she looked sad. I felt a tug in my heart so without thinking I held her arm and said "Let's go. I don't mind staying with you. You're amazing Rose." I squeezed her arm as reassurance. Rose took a deep breath and her eyes was holding so much emotions. She smiled and brought me to our room. OUR ROOM? NANA ARE YOU SERIOUS? ARE YOU GIVING ME SIGNS THAT SHE IS THE ONE FOR ME?

"I can sleep on the floor if you mind sharing the bed," Rose said quietly while holding her breath. I giggled because she seemed nervous. "I mind," Rose's eyes widened and she tried to move away from me. "I mind if you sleep on the floor so we must share the bed," I finished my sentence while folding my arms and I sensed relief washing over her. She side eyed me and went to lay on the bed. Our luggage are already in the corner the room.

"I'm tired but we need to eat. Does pizza sound good? I will order them so we can eat it here," Rose stated while scrolling though her phone. I hummed and nodded because I felt lazy to go out and eat.

We ate in silence after I passed the pizzas to my friends. Our rooms are actually in the same row just not beside each other. 

I laid on the bed after changing into a large t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I saw Rose changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants. I wondered if I should tell her how I feel because finals will be in 3 months more. After the finals, we can date each other or maybe get into talking stage if that's more appropriate. I felt the mattress dipping beside me. Rose was laying down closing her eyes. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. Maybe I should trust Nana on this one.

With courage, I pushed the strand of hair behind her ears. Rose opened her eyes her jaw hanging low. I don't know what I was doing but I said the 3 words I have been dying to tell her.

"I like you too much Rose," I whispered getting more closer to her face. Rose was breathing heavily and tried to say something. But I whispered while closing my eyes because I'm not ready to look at her face "I know it's wrong but I just can't control it anymore. We only know each other for a while. But I guess it's love at first sight. I know we have to talk about this. But for now, just kiss me if you feel the same." Waiting for her to slap me in disgust, I felt a pair of warm luscious lips kissing me instead. I kissed her back with all those pent up feelings I've been trying to shut down for a while. My heart thumped in my ears. Thousands of butterflies erupted in my stomach. I've never in my life felt a kiss this intense. So I cherished this moment as if it's the last time I will have her like this.

Rose pulled away, whispering "I like you Bels, there's no doubt in that. But we will talk about this later. We can't be doing this. Not until you finish your finals." I nodded my head a small smile forming. I felt my lips tingling after the kiss. I clung to her.

We cuddled. This is the best feeling ever. Rose having me in her arms. I sighed contented.

Maybe Edmonton with Rose is not so bad.

Thanks Nana.


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