I: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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My first day of Karasuno high were finally here. I was here for one and one reason only, Volleyball. Ever since I was six years old and I saw that little ad on TV I was addicted to volleyball. And I was good at it too. In middle school I practised so hard. I was an expert in all positions. Any chance I got I would play volleyball. I only ever lost a few games, but they were out numbered by wins.

Currently, I am on my way to Karasuno high. My grades were slipping and this school was pretty good for grades. It also had a volleyball team. It was the best school near me so I enrolled and got in.

Not even 3 seconds after I entered the gates my name was called through the loud speaker.

"Emiko Adira, can you please come to the vice principle's office, Emiko Adria."

Great, what was happening now? I'm not getting kicked out right? Please god, no. I walked to the office and the VP let me in.

"Emiko Adria, I was looking at your report and you seemed to fancy volleyball." VP said. "Well, your skill set is too high for the girl's team so I'm putting you on the boy's team."

"What." I say completely dumb folded.

"Come on, I'll introduce you." He began to walk out of his office, I followed behind him. "Mind you, they're loud."

Not that I mind going on the boy's team, its just that I am very shy when it comes to people. Out in the volleyball court, I'm everything but shy. These people do play volleyball, but they will be tall and muscular, not to mention scary.

I walked with the VP all the way to the gym. 5 guys stood there. The VP told me to wait outside while he talks to the boys. I peer into the gym at the perfect moment. The VP's wig just flew off his face and landed on some tall kid. I cover my laugh to stop myself from laughing and I turn back around to have my back on the wall.

After about 10 more minutes, the VP comes out to tell me to come in, I walk in and I can already tell I'm the shortest one here. That ginger haired buy was about my height, wait- the ginger haired boy was gone. So was that other kid. Oh well.

"Hey my name's Daichi, I'm the captain." The brown haired boy says smiling sweetly.

"Hi, my name is Sugawara." The sliver haired boy says.

"What's up! Name's Tanka." The almost bald one says.

"Nice to met you... um.. I'm Emiko.." I say trying not to stutter that much.

"So can you play?" Daichi asks as he throws a volleyball at me.

"You betcha I can." I say catching it.

"Sugawara will go one on one with you, you can show us what you can do." Daichi explains.

(Time skip -After match with Sugawara-)

"Holy shit-" Tanka says.

"Wow, your amazing at this." Daichi says.

"My arm's hurt." Sugawara says quietly.

I wipe some sweat off my forehead as I walk back over to the three guys. They all congratulate me. I'm a little bit tired but I'll be good.

"Emiko, welcome to the volleyball team." Daichi says as he sticks out his hand for me.

"Oh my god! Thank you!" I say as I shake his hand. His hand was at least 2 sizes bigger than mine.

I can't believe this is happening! Yay! I'm on a team! I mean, I'm super scared of them all but I'm too happy for that right now... I seriously don't know how I just got on a all boys team...wait, that son of a bitch.

Later that day I see the two guys I saw before. The ginger and tall one. I walk up to them to say hi.

"Hey...um... you guys are trying out for the volleyball team right?" I say as  they notice me.

"Yeah!" The ginger says.

"If we beat them..." The taller one says not looking at me.

"Well, I'm on the team as well... so I hope to see you around!" I says.

They both look at me slightly shocked. They were probably thinking how a girl got on the boys team. I wanted to explain but I was way to shy to say anything.

"Well, my name is Hinata!" The ginger said.

"Im Emiko." I say shyly.

"Dude, introduce yourself." Hinata nudged the taller boy who seemed the be staring a my face, a blush went to my face when I saw him.

"My name Kageyama." I he says looking me up and down, making me fluster even more.

"Are you okay? You look really red." Hinata asks me in a worried tone.

"I'm fine- I just get really um.. shy a lot." I say stuttering and fiddling with my fingers.

"I can understand that. Taller people can be scary sometimes." Hinata whispered the last part me as I nodded my head aggressively.

"Okay...UM.. well, it been ur.. really nice to meet you, um.. I got to go. Ur.. See you around!" I say as I walk away, Kageyama's eyes follow me.

I tour myself around the school so I can get familiar with it's surroundings. I don't for much of the day, during lunch I played some volley ball with the wall, Hinata also joined me. He was pretty fast and quick with his movements.

"Wow, your fast." I say as I jump serve him.

"Your really great too! Most of the ladies I played with weren't as skilled as you are!" Hinata complements me.

"thanks." I say

The bell went I put the ball away. I was still pretty thirsty so I quickly went to get some thing from the vending machine. The cheapest thing there was a cartoon of milk so I got that. It tasted pretty good, I would get that again.

After school was finished I went to the gym to practice. Two other guys were also there.

"Emiko! We have two other people joining the team." Daichi said waving over to me. "Met Yamaguchi and Tsukishima."

Tsukishima was the tallest person I have ever met in my entire life, he basically towered over me like a mountain, like mount Everest. Yamaguchi was a little bit taller than me and he look friendly. His green hair and freckles made him look harmless. Tsukishima on the other hand, had blonde hair and glasses. he also look intimidating and scary. Maybe he's nice? I hope he is a little nice.

"Hi, I'm Yamaguchi!" Yamaguchi says smiling.

"I'm Tsukishima, you quite short aren't you." He says pointing to my height.

"Um.. hi, I'm um.... Emiko." I say twiddling with my hands.

"Your also shy." Tsukishima points out.

"Like I already didn't know." I joke, or at least try to.

"I bet you those two idiot are thinking that they have to bet us in order to get on the team." Tanaka says loudly to Sugawara.

"Yeah, but they only need to be kind to each other." Sugawara replies.

"CAPTAIN!" Two voices from outside yell.

♛ Royalty on the Court ♛ Kageyama x OC ♛ Haikyuu! ♛Where stories live. Discover now