XXVI: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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okay so I just wrote 5! whole chapters and they deleted themselves!!!!! JHSFINMDJMJHHGGFVZXJK...i'ma cry, but I'm really lazy and they took a while to do so I'm not gonna rewrite them... sorry.

Basically, they were just about the first, second, third and fourth set, I'm really sorry, but I actually started to silently cry at 3am, I mean, I spent at least a day writing each of them and-

Okay, as Tsukishima would say, "OKay train wreak, this isn't your station, move along". So Just pretend I wrote them, okay...  I'm gonna start crying again... BUT! There was a scene I wrote which was far too good to be missed out, so I'm gonna write that!


here comes the tears..

"Okay guys, this is the final set, I'm gonna start off with Sugawara" Coach Ukai said, all of our eyes drifted between Kageyama and Suga.

"Alright" Suga said. Sugawara placed his hands together and brought to his face, I could tell he was trying to keep calm and not freak out, I mean, who could blame him.

Kiyoko then walked up and took his hands in hers trying to give him some comfort. Suga then blushed madly and everyone freaked out.

"We should stay -holding hands for marriage!!" Suga said, blushing like mad.

"Oh thats okay, I wasn't planning on ever marrying you" Kiyoko said calmly.

'Don't make up your mind now!" Suga said, still blushing as hell.

"Whatever you do to her, I'll do to you" Dachi said, making everyone get scared for a second.

"Let me, hold your hands" Asahi added.

The two of them then started to get Suga's hands from Kiyoko while she stood back and watched. Tanaka and Nishanoya then creeped their way up. I sighed and facepalmed. The match whistle blew and me and some of the boys walked to the court. 

The hole in my chest felt like it was getting bigger, whoever won this set, won the game. God, I wonder how Suga must feel. Tendou took notice of the setter swap.

"Oh~ Is that a setter change? real nice" He said, walking off.

"If you get lost, just send it to me" Asahi said, his usual nervous self was over thrown.

"Wow Asahi, your such a rock! You must be an ace or something" Suga said, lightly punching his back.

"That's exactly what I am!" Asahi yelled back.

The other team was serving first. We all got into position and were ready for the serve. The ball went up and was slammed down to our side, Tanaka stopped it from hitting the ground and it was sent to Suga who passed it to Asahi. Asahi slammed it down to the other side, giving us a point.

Ushijima then went up to spike the ball and it bounced off Asahi's hand, hitting the scored board while doing so.

Soon Asahi was up to serve, it bounced of the other team's libero and went to Suga who passed it to Nishanoya. Everyone, including me, went up to do a full team synchronised attack and Sugawara got us the point.

Tendou looked at Suga and the team with a strange gleam in his eyes. He started to mumble what sounded like a song.

"Smash it, smash it into pieces. Smash what? Their heart till is cesses" He said with a straight face.

Man, that guy is wack!

The serving went on and my eyes never left the ball. It didn't leave Tsukishima's eyes either. he kept on chasing after the ball, when did he get so pumped to play?

When Tsukishima was blocking, he must have hurt his hand when Ushijima spiked, the ball went out of my eye sight and I focused on Tsukishima. I walked up to him and placed a hand on his back.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine, my finger just..." He brushed me off him.

I noticed a drop of blood drip on the floor. Ukai came up next to me and Tsukishima opened his hand. His pinky was busted open and was bleeding, he ended up having to leave. The game went on an one of our full team synchronised attacks where blocked by Tendou.

We switched sides and Hinata was on the court now. When one of Asahi's spikes where blocked, the ball bounced right back Hinata's face and hit him in the side of the face. He stumbled but went to spike, expect the ball went to me and I got the team apoint.

"That's one way to play with your head!" Tanaka grinned as he spoke to Hinata.

"Well that's one way to receive" Suga said, his motherly side kicking in.

"Yeah, well, they would have taken me off if it hit me in the nose" Hinata said, rubbing hid cheek.

"Wait,so -that wasn't an accident?' Suga sounded shocked, and he was.

"They would have benched me if I got a nose bleed" Hinata said, making me smile a little bit.

"Funny, if that hit me, I wouldn't have gotten a nose bleed, in fact, I've never gotten a nose bleed in my entire life" I say, making Hinata a little angry.

"Okay, now your sounding like Tsukishma" he mutters.

Hinata then looked over my shoulder and backed up a lot. I glanced over my shoulder to see Ushijima give a death glare at Hinata. God, the look Ushijima has makes me want to barf.

Kageyama was then swapped in with Suga and he was up to serve. He served pretty damn well and then went to set. Of which he sent to Hinata and Hinata slammed it straight down. Then Shiratorizawa scored double points and got up to 10 then 11 points.

A time out was called and the chants of Karasuno high school over ruled Shiratorizawa, until Shiratorizawa started singing what must have been their school song. Shiratorizawa was then next to serve.

"Another pretty serve, pretty please!" Tendou called out.

Soon enough, we caught up to Shiratorizawa with the scores being 12-12, but not long after the scores changed and Shiratorizawa was at the upper hand with it being 15-14.

"Don't you hang your heads! STOP IT!" Coach Ukai suddenly stood up and yelled at the team. "Volleyball is a sport where you always have to look UP!"

And just as if angels gave us the upper hand, Tsukishima and Kiyoko came back running to the court.

♛ Royalty on the Court ♛ Kageyama x OC ♛ Haikyuu! ♛Where stories live. Discover now