II: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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The next few days went by, Daichi said something about a game against 2 first years. It was Kageyama and Hinata vs Tsukishma and Yamaguchi. Tanaka and Daichi were also gonna go on a team. I guess this was the thing Kageyama said something about.

On the day of the game, I sat and watched. I have only seen Tanaka and Daichi play, Hinata and Kageyama I haven't seen them play. I sat down next to a girl called Kiyoko. She was the team's manager. At least a girl was here.

The game started off and the two teams took action. The game went all normal and things looked good. Kageyama had amazing setting skills, Hinata was sort of a background character. Tanaka was pretty good aswell. Hinata suddenly dashed across the court and jumped to Kageyama's set. He hit it down with a lot of force and before any of the other team member could react it hit the ground.

"Guys...he just did that- with his eyes closed." Daichi said in awe.

"WHAT?!" They all said/yelled.

It was true Hinata hit the ball with his eyes closed. Kageyama just aimed it it where he was gonna hit it and threw it at the perfect time. It was perfect. 

Time skip -after the game-

When the game ended Kageyama and Hinata put their permission forms to join the club out to Daichi.

"Hey, kiyoko did they come yet?" Daichi asks

"Yeah." Kiyoko picks up a box and opens it to Kageyama and Hinata.

Hinata's face goes excited and he takes something out of the box. It was the team's jacket. Kiyoko gave one to me and I couldn't contain my exictement. I put on the jacket and looked at it. I loved it.

"Welcome to the team!" All the team members say.

Time skip - the next day- I'm lazy go away.

The next day when I was walking to school I saw kageyama on the way.

"Kageyama! hey!" I said running to him

"Oh hey Emiko, you live around here?" he asks as I walk with him

"Yeah, my house is right there." I say pointing to my house.

"Wow, thats funny. We're neighbours." he laughs

"huh, cool." I say as we walk to school.

We walk the rest of the way to school. We didn't talk much, we just sort of looked at each other and blushed and walked. He kept on looking at my hair, I was running late and I totally forgot to brush it.

"is that your bed hair?" Kageyama asks

"Yeah, I was running late." I say trying to smooth it out.

"Here, let me do that." Kageyama runs his fingers through my hair and somehow smooths it out. His face isn't far from mine. I blush as he does so, he notices that and removes his hands. "Are you okay, your a little red?"

I blush even more and and I bury my face in my hands.

"Do you have a cold? No, its not a cold. Thank god. Wait why are you redder? Are you okay? Do you need something?" Kageyama asks

"I'm fine, i- i um.." I try to stop blushing.

"Do you need to take the day off? I can look after you-" Kageyama offers

"Its fine- um... your face w-was pretty close so um.." I say putting my face back in my hands. "You don't have to worry about me."

"Why not? I like you." His face goes red as he says that. "I mean, I like you in a friend way!"

In the distance I can hear the bell go so we both make a run for it. When we get to the school, we only just make it in time for out class.

Time skip - a random class-

If this class could get any more boring. I sighed as I looked around the room. I saw Kageyama staring at me, he was smiling in a way.

"Kageyama, what are you doing?" I whisper to him

"oh, ur... nothing." He looks back down to his books.

When the class was done and school was done we had volleyball training. Nothing much really happened, we just focused on some routines and getting better at receiving. We practiced for a while. Every now and then I would catch Kageyama looking at me.

"Alright guys! You can pack up now, Emiko can you take down the nets?" Daichi asks

"Um.. yeah sure!" I say walking over to them

I try to grab the nets but they were too high. I jumped for them but couldn't reach them. I felt Tsukishima laughing at me, but I didn't turn to him. I stretched out my hand for the nets and suddenly I was a few feet off the ground. I looked down to see Kageyama and me on his shoulders

"Your too short aren't you." He says smirking.

"thanks." I say shyly as undo the nets and they fall to the ground. I move a little bit too much and I slightly fall off Kageyama, in fear I tighten my grip around him and use my legs to cling onto him while I use my arms to wrap around him so I don't fall.

"You good there?" Kageyama chuckles as he sets me down.

"S-sorry." I say rubbing my hand on the back of my head

"Don't worry about it." He smiles and I feel the blush rise. He looks so cute when he smiles.

He looks so cute.

♛ Royalty on the Court ♛ Kageyama x OC ♛ Haikyuu! ♛Where stories live. Discover now