XXII: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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It was chaos. Kageyama and Oikawa are fighting already. Honestly, how did Oikawa make it though high school like that.

Before the match, I helped Yachi put all the stuff out ready before going out to practice. The second I left, some guy on the Seijoh team dropped his hair, made an u-g-l-y af face and ran to Yachi following the ball, another ball also went to hit Yachi, I ran back over to her to block the ball.

Kiyoko got there before me and the ball went high in the air, I jumped up to get it, but I turned it into a spike and aimed it so that it would just brush past the dude's face, which it did and it left him stoked

"You dropped your ball" Tanaka said, trying not to smirk.

"Kageyama, was that guy always on their team?" Hinata asked.

"I... don't know" Kageyama replies

I hear Dachi yell "Line up", we all line up and thank the others for player.

Takeda gives us a motivational speech and Ukai gives a less nice one, but still pumps us up. We line up and get ready to play.

Oikawa is serving first. Dachi received it and then Kageyama stopped it from hitting the ball. Asahi scored the first point. Kageyama was serving next, but he got it out. Oikawa's right hand man was serving next, Asahi stopped it but it went long, Kageyama managed to give it to Tanaka who scored a point.

"Yeah! That's my bro kick their asses!" Saeko yells.

The game rolls on smoothly, I guess. We were going toe to toe against them. Hinata went to spike but the same guy that stopped him last time stopped him again, Tsukishima saved it though.

Hinata ran to spike Kageyama passed it to him and Hinata scored a point, earning a cheer from the team. It was already the first set and the game was already awesome.

The ball rallied for a bit and Seijoh got the point. I scored two points in a row giving us the points 18-16, our way. Seijoh conter attacked us, giving themselves a point.

Time skip – the final set bc I want to, also I need more Kageyama x reader content yk-

If we got this set then we would win, we were all tired out of our minds but we needed to win, I didn't care how tired I was, I'm not dead yet, I still have some energy. I've been playing non-stop this entire game, only every stopping between sets or time-outs, my body was basically dead already, but I still wanted to win, I still need to win.

I will win, we will win.

The scores were currently, 15-15, and it was Oikawa's turn to serve. Dachi managed to stop it from hitting the ground. It went back to Seijoh and they got themselves a point.

Oikawa went to serve again, it flew it Nishanoya and it went to Tsukishima who got a point.

The mad-Dog player hit it and Tanaka, Hinata and I blocked it. Immediately, Hinata sprung into action, but the ball was too close to the net and Hinata slammed it down.

The points went around, with us getting some and losing some. It was like a rally of points. Seijoh got to 20 points first, and then Tadashi was called in again. I remembered his great plays in the set before.

It was 20-20. Tadashi threw the ball and made a jump float, but the other team only just caught it. We did a Synconised attack but didn't get the point. Tadashi was called out when the point was taken.

Again, Oikawa served, but we missed it, this made Seijoh go to match point, Dachi caught the ball, saving our asses, and we ended up getting a point. Nishanoya had to go out and Hinata went in, Tsukishima was also called out for Suga.

Hinata scored a point, but also hit Kageyama in the process. Suga was serving and it barely went into their front side.

Suga saved the ball from hitting the ground, Hinata jumped to spike the ball. But Kageyama did a setter dump.

The ball looked like it went down in slow motion, it hit the ground and we got ourselves a point, we only needed one more point to win.

Just one more, one more and we win, we get to play another game, we only need one more point. The ball was up in the air, and it bounced off Nishanoya it was going out, Asahi ran for it and stopped it from hitting the ground. Tanaka ran after it and pass it to Kageyama who set it for Hinata, Hinata slammed it to the opposite side, but there Libero got it.

It was beginning to be a rally, a rally to the death. The mad-Dog guy slammed it down to try and get a spike but it bounced off Nishanoya and went flying back, I ran for it, was I going to be too late? It was almost hitting the back wall. I ran faster and I got to the ball quickly, I turned mid-air and spiked the ball from way out back, making it go flying to the other side of the court, but Oikawa got to it just before it hit the wall.

I scoffed and before I knew it I was slammed straight into the wall with a powerful force. I groan before I ran back, I could ran and my head didn't hurt so I am fine.

I was back on the court and Oikawa was running back to the court as well. The ball was up in the air on their side, Oikawa looked like he was doing a spike and someone else was setting it. It was set and Oikawa hit the spike.

Hinata, Tanaka and Asahi blocked it, it fell down on their side and hit the ground. We got a point, and we won.

We cheered with each other and my legs felt like they could pass out at any moment but I didn't care, nothing could spoil this moment ever... or at least, that's what I thought.

"Emiko, your phone has been ringing non-stop, I think its from your brother" Kiyoko says handing me my phone.

47 missed calls.

Jesus whats going on? I pick up the phone and grab my duffle bag.

"Hey, R-" I tried to talk but he cut me off

"Emiko, come to the hospital, quick, Jisoo got hurt...bad, please come quickly" He said in a rush

"What? Will she be okay?" I ask frantically, Kiyoko over heard me and got a worried glance in my direction.

"The doctors said... they said she would be lucky to make it through the night-" I didn't heard what he said after that.

I bolted out the door, running as fast as I could, I know I left the team in confusion but I needed to see if my sister was okay. From the Sendai City Gym, the hospital was only 15 minutes away on foot, but I ran there as fast as I could and made it there in 7 minutes.

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