III: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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A/N: Okay so just a quick little heads up. I'm am lazy (As if you didn't know) and so I'm going to be skipping to the bit when they play there first match with Aoba Johsai. I'm probably gonna get shit wrong, but leave me alone!


On the bus trip, Hinata puked all over Tanaka's crotch.

"Oh god I can smell it." I said standing up and moving. "Are you okay hinata?"

"I'm fine, I feel a little better now." he says wiping some stuff away.

When we got to the area we would be playing at, Tanaka had already changed his pants into shorts. Hinata still looked pretty scared and pale.

"Hinata, don't worry about what your gonna do, just focus on what your gonna do in the court." I say trying to calm him down.

"Okay, don't throw up, don't throw up, don't throw up..." Hinata chanted those words for a while.

"That didn't help, did it." I say to myself.

We all begin to walk into the building. We get stopped by some guys who seem to know Kageyama. One of them looks like and onion. Tanaka almost beat them up, but he is stopped by Daichi.

"Hey, king of the court have you made these people turn into your servants yet?" Onion head asks Kageyama.

Kageyama just stopped in his tracks and looked down. Tanaka had a little laugh and rolled up his sleeve but again was stopped by Daichi. Kageyama didn't say anything.

"heh, sure." he said before walking away and getting hit in the back of the head by Suga and Daichi.

"Leave him alone." I say walking off. I internally scream, why did I do that? God there gonna kill me aren't they. I'm dead meat. I might as well dig my own grave.

We walk into the building and Hinata goes to throw up again. We all settle down in the arena and get out stuff ready and stretch. Up in the balcony area I hear girls talking.

"What's going on down there?" One asks.

"A volleyball game. Wait, is that a girl?" Another one says.

"It is! What is she doing here?" A guy asks.

"She is probably just getting attention from the guys, I wouldn't be surprised if she hooked up with them already!" Another one says laughing.

"She is probably ugly too!" A girl adds

My head hangs low from what they say. I should of probably expected this when I got with the boys team. I still hear them go on about me. Someone grabs my chin and lefts my face up to theirs. I see Kageyama.

"Why the long face?" he asks.

"Nothing...." I lie.

"Well, your really bad at lying. You can tell me." Kageyama still has his hands on my chin.

"Its nothing really, just those girls up there are saying stupid stuff." I mutter.

"Well, they don't know you do they." He says

Tanaka must have over heard the conversation as he started to yell at the girls.

"HEY! This girl is the best volleyball player in history of volleyball players! So you can shut your damn mouths before I make you! And also! Mind you she is mesmerizing to look at!" He yells for good measure.

I laugh. Its fun having someone to back you up and make you laugh when your sad. its also fun to have Kageyama around.

The match started and things went down hill. Hinata was running to everyone. Everyone told him to calm down and relax but Kageyama just got angry with him. Things went even more down hill when its was Hinata's turn to serve.

Hinata still looked like he was gonna throwup. He had shaky hands and when the whistle went he threw the ball in the air, hit it and it hit the back of Kageyama's head. Everyone froze and looked at Hinata and Kageyama. Hinata was already dead.

Kageyama slowly walked over to him and started to yell at him while hitting the back of his head. We all just watched. I tried not to laugh, I had a thing with laughing in the wrong moments.

When that was all over, Hinata seemed to be better. Kageyama must be magic. The next set started and things went smooth. Hinata went to quick attack but missed. Kageyama apologised for throwing it too high

Time skip -After game- (Stfu im lazy, its like 1am rn)

When the game finished we all walked back to the bus all happy as we won the game. We were stopped by Oikawa. He was saying something, but I wasn't listening that much. I chipped in when he started to talk about me.

"...And that girl player you have, not only is she talented she pretty hot." He smirks at me.

I sink to the back of the group in embarrassment.

"You try to touch her and you'll get your ass whooped!" Tanaka said rolling up his sleeves.

"I'd like to see you try." Oikawa smirk as he looks me up and down.

I get more uncomfortable by the second. I zip up my jacket and pull my shorts down a bit. I also hide behind Dachi, Tanaka and Kageyama. I would hide behind Hinata as well, but we are the same height.

"Leave her alone, Oikawa." Kageyama says standing in front of me in a defensive way.

There was a little glaring match between the two before Oikawa walked off. I liked it when Kageyama protected me, he made me feel safe.... he also made me feel-

"If that little shit even looks at you in any way, I'm gonna-" Tanaka began to tall until Daichi stepped in.

"Tanaka, don't go that far." Daichi said. "Are you okay, Emiko?"

"Yeah I'm good, just- well weird I guess" I say

"We are here to help, so come and get us if you need it!" Suga smiles.

This is a pretty good group of friends I accidently made.

♛ Royalty on the Court ♛ Kageyama x OC ♛ Haikyuu! ♛Where stories live. Discover now