XXXI: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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Tiko, Chizumi, Karma, June, Asumi and I walked out on to the street, it was about 5pm and the sun was setting giving off a nice orange colour.

"Do you think Kumi would be mad if we showed up late?" June asks

"Nah, but we should get going now-" I say.

A guy dressed in all black then came up to me and yanked my bag and started running. He laughed as he ran away.

"Hey! He's got my phone and wallet" I say, turning to the group.

"Run after him, go!" Karma says.

I turn and run, bolting as fast as I can after the thief. People yell after me as I run past them, I have my eyes dead set on the guy.

"Give me back my bag!" I yell, gaining on him.

"Oh shit" I hear him say as he runs faster.

I have never been more thankful to Dachi for making the team run up Karasuno's hill. The guy was crossing a group of bikers and made them fall down, the thief just jumped over them. I jumped over them as well, not losing any stamina.

"I'm gonna rip your head off!" I yell at him.

He takes a look back at me and then crosses the street, making cars skid to a stop so they wouldn't crash into each other. He only just makes it past the cars and he stops and looks back at me.

I roll over a car and land in perfect form, it took me second to process that I just did that before running after him again.

"Holy Christ" he says as he takes off down the street.

"Your ass is mine!" I say, out matching Usain Bolt any day.

A group of children then leave a shop up ahead, holding snickers and what not. The guy pushes past them yelling. I come up to them and jumped over one, like a leap frog game and continue going after the guy.

"You messed with wrong bitch today, pal!" I yell, getting closer on the dude.

A truck was then back out of an alley way and the thief stopped, about to go back but he was met with a tackle from me, he had the most girlest scream ever.

"What are you? A robot?" He asked, dead on the ground.

A few people stopped and stared.

"Nah, I just really like my phone" I say, kicking him where the sun don't shine.

"Emiko!" A heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see the rest of the group. "Holy shit, I'm glad I got that on camera!"

It was Chizumi who was filming and so was Tiko. Karma was laughing her ass off while June and Asumi were taking glances at the guy and me.

"Maybe we should get back before Kumi finds out what we've been doing" I say, rubbing the back of my head.

"Too late, I've already sent this to everyone I know" Tiko says, pressing button on her phone.

"yep, same" Chizumi was doing the same.

"Oh joy, how fun" I say, dead panning.


When we got back, Mako and Koga laughed and turned their phones to me and showed me the video of me chasing the guy down. Isn't that just fun. Kumi yelled at me for not beating him up, but she wasn't mad at me. 

We had dinner and then went to sleep. But we didn't actually sleep, me and the girls started ate the sweets we got at the store.

"So, is anyone here not a virgin?" Chizumi asks, taking a snake gummie.

"Did you really just start this off with that question?" June asks, throwing her pillow at Chizumi.

"Well, if you are virgins, we can change that-" Chizumi start to say until June threw a packet of toffies at her face followed by a hit by a pillow.

"Your weird, you know that right?" June says, Chizumi poke her tongue out at her.

"Okay, moving...what school do you guys go to?" Asumi says, sparking a conversation.

We went from what school we went to, too what fictional character we like, too reciting Matilda, too talking about gay cannibal fish. You could say the night was wacko.

"hey, where is the coloured popcorn?" Tiko asks, looking around her.

"Here" Karma throws her the popcorn.

"Say, had you guys ever wondered if tomatoes are fruits, then is ketchup is a jelly?" I say out of blue.

"What the fu- holy sharks your right" June says

"Holy sharks?" The rest of the group says in unison.

"Shut up, it was the first thing that came to mind" June crosses her arm.

"Damn, you guys are weird" Asumi says, looking at us with genuine concern.

"Thats why where here!" Tiko and Chizumi say at the same time.

"Fuck!" Karma says as she looks at her phone.


"Its bloody 2:17am, we need to sleep if we don't want to get yelled at by Kumi" Karma says, turning off the light and jumping into bed.

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