VII: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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After the whole 'father incident' things were sorted out. My older Brother and Sister came over to live with me now. My Brother was 22, his name was Ryuuji. My sister was 17, she used to live in an apartment but then she was kicked out her name is Jisoo. The boys all made sure I was okay. The training camp was still coming up so I practiced for that. Daichi said I didn't have to but I didn't listen, I knew he wanted me to train.

When we got to the camp, Hinata basically fan boyed over everything. There was only one big room so I had to slept with a room full of boys. I had pulled all my stuff over to the very corner of the room, Daichi just laughed when I did it. 

When the time came to eat, Kiyoko made us dinner. It was really good and Tanaka and Noya wanted seconds. 

When I tried to sleep, I couldn't. The L.O.U.D snores of the boys kept me awake, I also couldn't have a shower until everyone was finished. There was more boys so they went first. I decided to get up and walk around. I saw Noya, looking all fresh and clean from his shower and felt a bit jealous.

"Wait, dude, do you have your hair up to make you look taller?" I laughed as I saw his hair.

"Shut up!" he yelled at me.

"Shh! You'll wake Daichi" I say shutting him up.

We heard voices down the hall and Tanaka and Hinata were talking. Hinata looked plain but yet scary and Tanaka looked scared. They were getting loud so we went to shut them up.

"Can you guys quiet down?" Noya said

"AAHH!" They both screamed as they saw us.

"Oh, you just saw Noya and Emiko, not children!" Tanaka said, smacking Hinata head. "Wait, do you kept your hair up to make yourself look taller? Pft! Haha!" 

"Shut up!" Noya yelled

Suddenly a hand touched Noya and it travelled a long way up.

"Can you guys be any louder?" It Asahi. and boy did he look scary.

I jumped in the air and screamed when I saw him, following by me punching him hard in the gut. I froze after I calmed down and I frantically apologised.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" I say patting his back

"No... I'm fine... its - its cool." He said his voice all croaky. "You can pack a punch."

We all went back up stairs and went to sleep. Now, the snoring was louder, but it was coming from Daichi and Asahi so I was too scared to do anything about it. If it was just Asahi I would wake him up, but Daichi scared me so. The snoring got louder and louder and I couldn't sleep. It got to the point were I threw Hinata's water bottle at him. I internally cursed myself as I threw it. I faked being asleep when he woke up.

"Oh, were're gonna have some fun training tomorrow..." Daichi said going back to sleep.

'well, I just made things a lot worse, sorry guys' I said to myself. This time I actually went to sleep.

Time skip -the next day-

We were currently running for our training, Daichi made us all run extra lap though. Somehow Hinata was still running at the same speed when he first started, I wasn't far behind. Hinata then ran ahead of everyone else.

"HINaTA!" Suga said running after him, or at least trying to.

"Hinata! Wait up!" I yelled running past Suga and trying to find Hinata

"Emiko! Wait don't go that way!" Daichi yelled

"What?!-" I yelled back but I stopped myself from running off a cliff. "shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,shit." i mumble to myself while my arms flail around.

I get pulled away from the edge by Kageyama and I immediately wrap my legs around him and stick my face in the crook of his neck. he just stands there probably embarrassed.

"oh, thank god." Suga says as he finds us. "Wait, is she okay"

"She is fine, she is very scared, she is not letting go." I say answering for him.

"Right..." Asahi says

"Okay, well i'm going to find Hinata." Suga says running off.

Time skip - After training camp-

After the training camp was over, we all went back home. I walked with Kageyama back to my place, we talk about volleyball, i mean, what else would we talk about.

"I'll see you later, Emiko." Kageyama as he walks into his house.

"See ya!" I say smiling as I walk into my home.

I can say it now, I enjoy spending time with Kageyama.

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