VI: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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Kageyama's POV

Me and Hinata were walking to volleyball practice. I couldn't get her off my mind. I couldn't get Emiko off my mind. She was just that perfect.

The way when she jumped in the air and her hair moved in slow motion. The way she talks is prefect. When she stutters her words, she sounds so cute. She is great at volleyball  as well.

"Um... Kageyama? You there?" Hinata asked as he waved his hand in front of me.

"huh? What?" I ask, slightly annoyed.

"Nothing, you  just phased out for a second." he says as he walks into the gym.

The rest of the team is already there. Emiko was also there. I smiled a bit when I saw her, she was laughing with Kiyoko, Tanaka seemed a bit jealous for that. He is jealous when anyone talks to Kiyoko, that would probably include her parents, weirdo.

"Alright, I'm going to shake a few things up for today." Daichi said getting everyone attention.  "Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi you lot will be working with Nishanoya for your receives. Tanaka and Suga you'll do what you normally do. Kageyama and Emiko, you guys will work on spikes together."

I didn't hear what he said after that. I frozen when he said I would be working with Emiko. Me working with Emiko, I might as well go to heaven right now. I suddenly felt myself be shaken out of my trance.

"Um... Kageyama, you've been standing here for 2 minutes are you okay?" It was Emiko.

"Oh, sorry. Um.. wanna start?" I ask grabbing a volleyball.

"Yeah, sure!" She said smiling, it made me happy.

I started to spike her. I hit the ball at the perfect time and she jumped to get it. Her jump was like Hinata's, she could jump high. Her hair swayed and floated in the air as she hit the ball with a deafening sound. She was a lot like Hinata, she was as great as a jumper as him and she could run like him, I think she was faster. And too top that she was experienced and she had raw talent. She was the perfect player. She was like a goddess in the air, she was like the brightest star.

My eyes stayed on her as she went to the ground, she smiled at how well she hit the ball and then turned to me for another one. I hit one to her and she hit it again, perfectly. She went in the it again, there was a smile on her face. As if she couldn't get any prettier.

I spiked her and watched her gracefulness over and over again. I could stay here for hours, it was probably creepy. I remembered the words Tanaka said 'Mind you she is mesmerizing to look at!'. He was right, she was mesmerizing to look at. 

I couldn't do anything about it, I love her with all my heart. I love her more that Volleyball, more than anything. But I'm sure she doesn't like me, a girl with those looks were sure to already have someone.

Practice ended and we packed up our things. Emiko got a message on her phone and she said she had to leave. The rest of us continued packing up. When we finished that I walked with Hinata to the gates.

"Hey, Hinata" I said,

"Yeah?" He answered as bubbly as usual

"Is Emiko dating anyone?" I ask quietly

"No, why?" Hinata asked but then gasped. "You like Emiko!"

I slapped the back of his head. Could he be any louder?

"Shut up!" I say

"Do you? Do you like her? Does she like you? Are you dating?" Hinata asked buzzing with excitement.

"Wait, how does he like?" Tanaka asked coming from behind.

"Kageyama likes Emiko!" Hinata said, the whole team was now here.

"Aww, young love." Daichi said ruffling my hair

"Shut up." I grumbled

"If I'm thinking logically, not a single person in their right mind would fall for you, your highness." Tsukishima said pushing his glasses.

I looked to him with an unimpressed look on my face. He was probably right, but I would rather hear that from anyone else. I was walking my way back home, meaning I would pass Emiko's house. The guys were still with me, they would probably leave when I get to my house. I suddenly heard yelling and glass breaking from Emiko's house. I looked at her house and so did the guys.

Emiko's POV

I ran home as fast as I could. My father texted me he needed to see him right away, but his punctuation and grammar was all right and that only meant he was sober. I don't know why I'm running, I just am. 

When I got to my house, it was clean. What was happening. I walked in the door and found my father sitting on the couch.

"About time." He scoffed, he sounded drunk and he was.

"What do you want?" I ask putting my bag down.

"I want to know where your mother is?!" He yelled at me out of the blue

"What? Dad, I don't know where she is?" I say confused, how much beer did he have?

"I'm going to go vote now." He said sitting back down on the couch

"Dad, your not making any sense." I say coming around so he had to look at me.

"Shut up!" He smashed a glass bottle on the table and pointed it at me.

I looked at him in horror and fear. Was he going to stab me, I backed up but he came towards me. I hit a wall and I couldn't move.

"Dad, your drunk, calm down." I say trying to reason with him.

"WHere is yOur motHer!!" He swung the bottle at me and I ducked.

At the same time, my door busted open and the some of the volleyball team members rushed in. Daichi went to stop my father but he threw a beer bottle at him. It was chaos. Kageyama rushed to my side and made sure I was okay, he stood in front of me in a protective way.

"Sir, you need to calm down." Daichi said

"Yeah bro." Tanaka said rolling his sleeves up.

"Get out of my house!" My father yelled.

Nobody moved which only made my father more angry. He moved around the living room and somehow snuck past Kageyama and picked me up by my shirt. I wasn't off the fround but it was still threatening.

"Sir, you need to let her go." Daichi said, holding on to Tanaka.

"I'll do whats good for my child!" And with that my father, let go of my shirt and slapped me harshly on the face and I fell to the ground.

Daichi let go of  Tanaka and they both ran to my father and tackled him down. Noya also joined in, Tsukki didn't tackle him but he pinned him to the ground. Asahi and Hinata did the same. Kageyama went to me and held me by my face. I felt a burning on my cheek, he slapped me hard, he always did.

"Its you! Its all you!" My father spat at me. "Its your fault your mother left, she left right after you were born and I had to take care of a fucking child all by myself! Its your fault we live like this, your fault shes not here! I wish you weren't born! I wish i left you at the hospital to live alone!" 

I looked at him and glared, tears fell down my face and the boys just stayed quiet. 

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